The objective of this planned distribution, which will initially be weekly, is to speed up the identification of needs for the reinforcement of sanitary material declared by the autonomous communities and cities.
This initiative aims to offer the autonomous communities advance knowledge of the amounts of material that they will receive periodically and to make an equitable distribution between all of them.
In addition, it seeks to facilitate the creation of a strategic reserve at the autonomous level, one of the indicators of the capacity of the health system established for the phase step in the Plan for the transition to a new normality. The Government is also forming a strategic reserve at the national level.
This distribution formula has begun with the distribution of 9,598,000 type I, II and IIR surgical masks requested by the autonomous communities.
Request and material calculation
On Tuesday of each week, the autonomous communities will communicate to the Ministry of Health the amount of material they need. In case of not receiving communication, the calculation of the material to be sent will be carried out based on the data of stocks and weekly consumption declared until the previous Friday, following the procedure established in the Order SND / 234/2020.
This calculation also takes into account the information that the communities transfer about the percentages of consumption that they cover with their purchases and those that require the reinforcement material sent by the Ministry of Health.
The estimation of the quantities is calculated so that the communities can maintain, at least, a stock corresponding to five weeks of consumption.
This formula is applied, for the moment, to masks and will be extended to other sanitary materials depending on demand.
More than 100 million masks
The Government has distributed 100,802,812 masks between the autonomous communities and other organizations between March 10 and until yesterday. In total, the distribution of sanitary material throughout the Spanish territory amounts to 140,724,870 units.
Specifically, in addition to masks, 31,491,736 nitrile gloves, 219,976 protective goggles, 353,433 disposable gowns, 565,092 hydro-alcoholic solutions, 817,251 divers, 4,085 invasive mechanical ventilation devices, 2,694 non-invasive ventilators, 4,700,400 rapid tests have been distributed , 600,024 PCR kits, 351,600 swabs and extraction kits, 28,800 swabs and 786,967 of other types of materials such as tights or aprons.