The lack of protection material among the toilets has been a constant since the Covid-19 pandemic began. And Ceuta has not been an exception. That is why the senator of Vox for the autonomous city, Yolanda Merelo, asked the Government of the Nation in March why it was not providing the adequate material, FPP3 and EPI masks, in the necessary quantities, for health professionals to carry out an effective work. , which guarantees the performance of your activity safely.
The senator echoed the complaint of the Ceuta Medical Union about the lack of resources to safely attend to patients, both in emergency services and in Primary Care. However, the Executive of Pedro Sánchez denies the major and has answered Merelo's question, assuring that when the World Health Organization declared, on January 30, that Covid-19 constituted a Public Health Emergency, “Spain already it complied with all the recommendations made. ”
After highlighting the work of the Coronavirus Monitoring Committee, the Government of the Nation points out that "it carries out the distribution of the material necessary to deal with Covid-19 every day" to "support the autonomous communities in providing protection measures to health professionals, health and other sectors ”. "From last March 10 to May 14, they have been distributed among the Autonomous Communitiesorjust mtos of 98.2 million mask units ”, affirms the Government.
Specifically, with regard to the distribution of masks by the Government of Spain to the Autonomous City of Ceuta, in the response to Merelo it is noted that there have been more than 199,479 masks that have been distributed until May 14 . This is the only piece of information that the Sánchez Executive offers in this regard without answering why the Ceutí toilets are still not adequately protected against Covid-19.