The Government activates the @SaludPublicaEs Twitter account as a channel that will disseminate the updated information of all the ministries involved, mainly the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, on those issues that affect public health, as it is in this case.
Through this account, the updated information will be transmitted and sent to the respective areas where the information provided can be expanded. An account that will also serve to broadcast live the possible appearances of experts, if deemed necessary, to inform the evolution of the situation in our country.
In parallel, and in cooperation with the Twitter platform, a new tool framed in the commitment to protect public conversation on social networks and ensure that people can quickly find information from authorized, reliable and expert sources has been launched in each material. This tool will allow when a citizen searches for certain keywords associated with the coronavirus, Twitter will show you a notice where you are directed to the Ministry of Health page and the @SaludPublicaEs account.