• The Change Agenda includes more than 60 measures in the short and medium term in order to support the process of ecological transformation, converge with the more developed countries in terms of well-being and achieve a more egalitarian society with an unemployment rate aligned with the average European
  • The different measures and reforms are grouped into six areas to modernize education, stimulate the creation of quality employment, boost innovation and productivity, combat inequality and move towards an environmentally friendly system and a more efficient administration at the service of the citizen

The Council of Ministers has made public the Agenda for Change, its road map to address the reforms necessary to lay the foundations for sustainable development, which leaves no one behind and improves people's lives.

The Change Agenda is one of the three axes of the Government's economic program, along with fiscal sustainability and social cohesion.

The objective of these reforms is to take advantage of the current favorable economic context to tackle inherited imbalances and establish a pattern of sustainable growth and aligned in the medium term with the most prosperous and advanced countries in well-being, with higher growth rates of potential GDP, a system productive with zero greenhouse gas emissions and a more egalitarian society, with the creation of higher quality employment.

This Agenda articulates a set of more than 60 measures, some already proposed and others that will be adopted in the course of the legislature.

These measures are aimed at getting 90% of young people to obtain a secondary education degree; that at least 70% of the electrical system be renewable; reach 2.5% of investment in R & D & I in the General State Budgets; promote digital transformation and the competitiveness of industry, services or tourism; align structural unemployment with the European measure; reduce the gender gap; eradicate extreme poverty in childhood; stop the loss of population in rural areas or increase the social or affordable housing stock up to 8%.

Bet on training and human capital

The Change Agenda addresses the challenges in Training and Human Capital to ensure that citizens have an adequate training level. Reversing school failure and the lag of professional qualifications regarding market needs will allow the creation of quality employment and the improvement of productivity. One of the measures included is the Strategic Dual Vocational Training Plan.

Boost the ecological transition

Our current growth model has led to a further increase in greenhouse gas emissions and the loss of natural resources and biodiversity. The Change Agenda includes the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law, the National Energy and Climate Plan and the Sustainable Mobility Plan, which will specify the calendar and actions for an efficient and fair transformation.

Promote scientific and technological progress

Spain has low levels of investment in R & D & I, in digitalization of SMEs and in the effectiveness of its instruments to boost innovation. The Change Agenda contains the development of the Science Law and measures to increase investments, support digital transformation and the strategy of tourism sustainable and Spain Entrepreneurial Nation, including a Law from Startups.

Move towards an efficient and fair labor market

Precariousness and structural unemployment are the two major imbalances in the labor market. The Change Agenda introduces measures to advance the improvement in the employability and in the quality of employment, and to guarantee the sustainability of the Social Security system within the framework of the Toledo Pact.

Reduce inequality and protect the Welfare State

Child poverty, the gender gap and depopulation are three inequalities that must be fought. The Change Agenda includes a large battery of measures that pass through the family support and a housing plan; a state office to combat discrimination in employment and a strategic plan for equal opportunities; as well as the creation of depopulation offices in rural regions.

Progress towards a more efficient Administration at the service of citizens

The need for a more efficient Administration that deserves the trust of citizens and gives legal security to economic activity is the last line of action of the Change Agenda. It includes measures of expense assessment, transparency and good governance, as well as a white paper for the reform of regulatory and financial supervision agencies and the creation of the Financial Client Protection Authority

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