- The changes update the terms referring to the Royal Household and include both appellations of origin and geographical indications
The Council of Ministers has updated the list of reserved and blocked terms under the Internet domain “.eu”. This measure complies with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/517 and repeals, among others, Regulation (EU) 733/2002, of similar content. The blocked terms are those that are temporarily or permanently unused and the reserved ones are those whose use is limited to their specific owner.
In 2004, a list of second-level domain names was already communicated to the European Commission, the registration of which had to correspond only to Spain because it affected its political or territorial organization. Once the new Regulation (EU) 2019/517 has been published, it is now time to update the aforementioned lists of blocked and reserved terms, and communicate them to the European Commission before September 30.
Regarding the previous list, the approved changes are limited to updating the terms referring to the Royal Household and to include appellations of origin and geographical indications.
- house-realespanola
- casareal-espanola
- casarealespanola
- leonor-borbon-spain
- leonor-borbonespana
- leonorborbon-spain
- leonorborbonespana
- sofia-borbon-spain
- sofia-borbonespana
- sofiaborbon-spain
- sofiaborbonespana
- felipe-borbon-spain
- felipe-borbonespana
- felipeborbon-spain
- felipeborbonespana
- felipevi-spain
- felipeviespana
- felipevi-rey-spain
- felipevireyespana
- felipevirey-spain
- infanta-sofia-spain
- infanta-sofiaespana
- infantasofia-spain
- infantasofiaespana
- juan-carlos-borbon-spain
- juancarlos-borbon-spain
- juancarlosborbon-spain
- juancarlosborbonespana
- juancarlos-rey-spain
- juancarlosrey-spain
- juancarlosreyespana
- monarch-spanish
- Spanish monarch
- monarchs-spanish
- Spanish monarchs
- Spanish monarchy
- Spanish monarchy
- princess-asturias-spain
- princess-asturias-spain
- princess-leonor-spain
- princess-leonorespana
- princessasturias-spain
- princessasturiasespana
- princesaleonor-spain
- Spanish princess
- queen-spain
- queen-sofia-spain
- queen-sofiaespana
- queen of Spain
- reinasofia-espana
- queensofiaespana
- queen-letizia-spain
- queen-letiziaespana
- Reinaletizia-Spain
- Reinaletiziaespana
- king-spain
- reyespana
- Spain
- Kingdom of Spain
- Kingdom of Spain
- espagne
- Spain
- espanha
- espanja
- Spain
- hispanic
- hiszpania
- ispanija
- spagna
- spain
- spanielsko
- spanien
- spanija
- spanje
- Kingdom of Spain
- Kingdom of Spain
- španielsko
- spānija
- španija
- španiělsko
- spain
- ispania
- ισπανια
- Andalusia
- Andalusia
- andalousie
- Andalusia
- Andalusian
- Juntadeandalucia
- together
- Aragon
- Aragon
- governmentdearagon
- government aragon
- principalityofasturias
- principaludasturies
- Asturias
- asturies
- illesbalears
- Balearic Islands
- Canary Islands
- government of the Canary Islands
- canaryisland
- kanarischeinseln
- Cantabria
- governmentofcantabria
- Castilla la Mancha
- Castilla la Mancha
- castillayleon
- castillayleón
- Castilla and leon meeting
- Castilla and leon meeting
- Generalitat of Catalunya
- generalitatdecatalonia
- catalunya
- Catalonia
- katalonien
- catalonia
- catalog
- catalog
- cataloniě
- katalonias
- catalunha
- kataloniens
- katalonian
- catalonië
- Estremadura
- Autonomous Community Extremadura
- Autonomous community of Extremadura
- xuntadegalicia
- autonomous community
- Autonomous community of Galicia
- Autonomous Community of Galicia
- comunidadeautónomadegalicia
- the Rioja
- governmentoflarioja
- Madrid community
- madrid region
- regionmadrid
- Madrid
- Murcia region
- Murcia region
- Murcia region
- murciaregiao
- regiondemurcia
- south region
- regionofmurcia
- regionvonmurcia
- regionedimurcia
- regiaodomurcia
- Navarre
- nafarroa
- Navarre
- navarra community
- nafarroaforukomunitatea
- nafarroaforuerkidegoa
- communauteforaledenavarre
- communautéforaledenavarre
- foralcommunityofnavarra
- Basque Country
- Basque Country
- euskadi
- euskalherria
- paisbasc
- basquecountry
- paysbasque
- paesebasco
- baskenland
- Basque Country
- χώρατωνβάσκων
- Basque government
- euskojaurlaritza
- governbasc
- basquegovernment
- gouvernementbasque
- governobasco
- baskischeregierung
- baskitschebestuur
- κυβέρνησητωνβάσκων
- Valencian Community
- Valencian Community
- Valencian-community
- Valencian Community
- Ceuta
- ceuta government
- Melilla
- rule
- 3Shore
- Fertilize
- OilCampodeCalatrava
- OilCampodeMontiel
- Jaen Oil
- Alcarria oil
- AceitedelaComunitatValenciana
- Rioja oil
- Lucena's Oil
- Oil of Mallorca
- Oilmallorquin
- OlideMallorca
- Olimallorqui
- Navarra Oil
- TerraAlta Oil
- OlideTerraAlta
- BaixEbre-Montsia Oil
- OlidelBaixEbre-Montsia
- Bass OilAragon
- OilMonterrubio
- OilSierradelMoncayo
- OliveAlore AddMalaga
- Olive from Mallorca
- OlivesMallorquina
- OlivadeMallorca
- OlivaMallorquina
- AfuegalPitu
- Galicia Herb Brandy
- AguardientedesidradeAsturias
- Purple Garlic from Las Pedroñeras
- ArtichokeBenicarlo
- Carxofade
- ArtichokeTudela
- Alella
- AlfajordeMedinaSidonia
- Alicante
- Almansa
- AlmendradeMallorca
- AlmondMallorquina
- AmetlladeMallorca
- AmetllaMallorquina
- AltiplanodeSierraNevada
- AlubiadeLaBañeza-Leon
- AnisePalomaMonfortedelCid
- Antequera
- AperitifCafedeAlcoy
- ArabakoTxakolina
- Txakolide Alava
- Chacolide Alava
- Arlanza
- Arribes
- ArrozdeValencia
- ArrosdeValencia
- ArrozdelDeltadelEbro
- ArrosdelDeltadelEbre
- Arzua-Ulloa
- Hazelnut from Reus
- Ayles
- Saffron stain
- Baena
- Dance
- Low Aragon
- BarbanzaeIria
- Almagro Eggplant
- Betanzos
- Bierzo
- Binissalem
- BizkaikoTxakolina
- ChacolideBizkaia
- TxakolideBizkaia
- BotillodelBierzo
- BrandydeJerez
- BrandydelPenedes
- Bullas
- MackerelAndalucia
- Cabrales
- Cadiz
- Calasparra
- Calatayud
- CalcotdeValls
- Calzadilla
- CampodeBorja
- CampodeCartagena
- CampodeLaGuardia
- Cangas
- CantuesoAlicantino
- CapondeVilalba
- Carignan
- Carnede Avila
- CarnedeCantabria
- CarnedelaSierradeGuadarrama
- CarnedeSalamanca
- CarnedeVacunodelPaisVasco
- EuskalOkela
- CasadelBlanco
- Chestnut Galicia
- Castello
- Castile
- CastillayLeon
- Catalonia
- Catalunya
- Digging
- OnionSourcesofEbro
- Cebreiro
- Cebreros
- Lion smoked beef
- Jerte cherry
- Mountain CherriesAlicante
- Chinchon
- ChirimoyadelaCostatropicaldeGranada-Malaga
- ChorizodeCantimpalos
- ChorizoRiojano
- ChoscodeTineo
- HutsCarrascal
- ChufadeValencia
- Cigales
- CitrusValencianos
- CitricsValencians
- ClementinasdelasTierrasdelEbro
- ClementinesdelesTerresdelEbre
- CochinilladeCanarias
- Cauliflower Calahorra
- ConcadeBarbera
- County of Huelva
- CorderodeExtremadura
- CorderodeNavarra
- NafarroakoArkumea
- Lamb Manchego
- LambSegureño
- Cordova
- CostadeCantabria
- CostersdelSegre
- CumbresdelGuadalfeo
- DehesadeExtremadura
- DehesadelCarrizal
- Almeria Desert
- Domain of Valdepusa
- The iron
- ElTerrerazo
- The vicar
- Emporda
- EnsaimadadeMallorca
- Ensaimadamallorquina
- Huetor-Tajar Asparagus
- Asparagus of Navarra
- Steppe
- Estremadura
- FabaAsturian
- FabadeLourenza
- FesolsdeSantaPau
- FincaElez
- Formentera
- GalldelPenedes
- Gamoneu
- Gamonedo
- ChickpeadeEscacena
- ChickpeaFuentesauco
- Gata-Hurdes
- GetariakoTxakolina
- ChacolideGetaria
- TxakolideGetaria
- GindeMahon
- GofioCanario
- GranCanaria
- Pomegranate
- GranadaMollardeElche
- GranadadeElche
- GrelosdeGalicia
- Pebbled
- Guijuelo
- HerberodelaSierradeMariola
- HierbasdeMallorca
- HerbsIbicencas
- Ibiza
- Ibiza
- Idiazabal
- IllesBalears
- Island of Menorca
- IlladeMenorca
- Canary Islands
- Jabugo
- JamondeSeron
- Jamonde Teruel
- PaletadeTeruel
- Jamonde Trevelez
- Sherry
- Xeres
- Sherry
- Jijona
- Beans of El Barcode Avila
- Jumilla
- KakiRiberadelXuquer
- LaGomera
- LaJaraba
- LaMancha
- The Palm
- LaconGallego
- SlopesofGenil
- Lanzarote
- Laujar-Alpujarra
- Lebrija
- LechazodeCastillayLeon
- LentildeLaArmuña
- LentejadeTierradeCampos
- Lion
- LesGarrigues
- LicorcafedeGalicia
- HerbLiquor ofGalicia
- Liebana
- LosBalagueses
- LosCerrillos
- The palaces
- LosPedroches
- Mahon-Menorca
- Malaga
- Majorca
- Manchuela
- Mantecadasde Astorga
- MantecadosdeEstepa
- ButterofAltUrgellylaCerdanya
- MantegadelAltUrgellilaCerdanya
- Butter of Soria
- Girona Apple
- PomadeGirona
- AppleReinetadelBierzo
- Manzanilla-SanlúcardeBarrameda
- Chamomile
- MazapandeToledo
- MusselGalicia
- MexillondeGalicia
- Peach Calanda
- MelondeLaMancha
- MelondeTorrePacheco-Murcia
- Melvade Andalusia
- Mentrida
- MieldeGalicia
- MeldeGalicia
- Honeydegranada
- MieldeLaAlcarria
- HoneydeLiebana
- HoneydeTenerife
- HoneyVilluercas-Ibores
- MojamadeBarbate
- MojamadeIslaCristina
- Mondejar
- MongetadelGanxet
- Monterrei
- MontesdeGranada
- Montes de Toledo
- Montilla-Moriles
- Montoro-Adamuz
- Montsant
- Black pudding
- Murcia
- Navarre
- LoquatsCallosadEnSarriá
- North Almeria
- OlidelEmporda
- OildeLEmporda
- OrujodeGalicia
- PadePagesCatala
- Pacharannavarro
- PagodeArinzano
- PagodeOtazu
- PaymentFlorentino
- PalodeMallorca
- PandeAlfacar
- PandeCea
- PandeCruzdeCiudadReal
- PanGalego
- PanGallego
- Old Potatoes of the Canary Islands
- RaisinMalaga
- PotatoGalicia
- PatacadeGalicia
- PotatoesdePrades
- PatatesdePrades
- PementodaArnoia
- Herbon Pement
- PementodeMougan
- PementodeOimbra
- PementodoCouto
- Penedes
- PeradeJumilla
- PeradeLleida
- PerasdeRincondeSoto
- PiconBejes-Tresviso
- Paprika
- PimentondeMurcia
- Bell Pepper AsadodelBierzo
- Pepper of Fresno-Benavente
- Gernika pepper
- GernikakoPiperra
- Riojan pepper
- SludgePiquillo Peppers
- PladeBages
- PlaiLlevant
- Canarian banana
- PolloyCapondelPrat
- PolvoronesdeEstepa
- PonienteofGranada
- PradodeIrache
- PriegodeCórdoba
- Priorat
- Priory
- Camerano cheese
- CheeseCasin
- Castilian cheese
- CheeseofFlordeGuia
- CheeseofMediaFlordeGuia
- Guide Cheese
- LaSerena cheese
- CheesedelAltUrgellylaCerdanya
- Cheese of Murcia
- QuesodeMurciaalvino
- Cheese of Valdeon
- CheeseIbores
- CheeseLosBeyos
- CheeseMajorero
- Manchego cheese
- CheeseNatadeCantabria
- Palmero cheese
- QuesodelaPalma
- CheeseTetilla
- QueixoTetilla
- Zamorano Cheese
- QuesucosdeLiebana
- Ratafiacatalana
- RíasBaixas
- RibeiraSacra
- RibeirasdoMorrazo
- Ribeiro
- RiberadelAndarax
- RiberadelDuero
- RiberadelGállego-CincoVillas
- RiberadelGuadiana
- RiberadelJiloca
- RiberadelJucar
- RiberadelQueiles
- Rioja
- Roncal
- RonmieldeCanarias
- RoséedesPyreneesCatalanes
- Wheel
- SalchichondeVic
- LlonganissadeVic
- SanSimondaCosta
- SerradeTramuntana-CostaNord
- SidradeAsturias
- SidradAsturies
- SierradeCadiz
- SierradeCazorla
- SierradeSalamanca
- SierradeSegura
- SierraMagina
- SierraNortedeSevilla
- SierraSurdeJaen
- SierrasdeLasEstanciasandLosFilabres
- SierrasdeMalaga
- Siurana
- SobaoPasiego
- SobrasadadeMallorca
- Somontano
- Tacoronte-Acentejo
- Tarragona
- Santiago's cake
- TernascodeAragon
- Veal Asturian
- Veal
- Veal from Extremadura
- CalvesPyreneesCatalans
- VedelladelsPirineusCatalans
- VedelldesPyreneesCatalanes
- Veal of Navarra
- NafarroakoAratxea
- Galician beef
- TerraAlta
- TierradelVinodeZamora
- TomatoLaCañada
- Bull
- Torreperogil
- TortadelCasar
- TurrondeAgramunt
- TorrodAgramunt
- TurrondeAlicante
- Ucles
- Utiel-Requena
- Vinalopo bagged table grape
- Valdejalon
- Valdeorras
- Valdepeñas
- Valencia
- ValledeGüimar
- ValledelaOrotava
- ValledelCinca
- ValledelMiño-Ourense
- ValdoMiño-Ourense
- Vallegarcia
- VallesdeBenavente
- VallesdeSadacia
- Valtiendas
- VeradeEstenas
- VillaviciosadeCordoba
- Sherry vinager
- Vinegar from Montilla-Moriles
- VinagredelCondadodeHuelva
- Orange Wine of the County of Huelva
- Wines of Madrid
- Ycoden-Daute-Isora
- Yecla