Terminal de aeropuerto

He underlines that the president of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology affirms that "the temperature controls that are being carried out at airports are of doubtful efficacy"

The Popular Parliamentary Group has alerted the Government of Pedro Sánchez to the risk of maintaining mechanisms, which have been shown to be ineffective, of controlling the virus at Spanish airports. For this reason, it has urged the Government to implement useful measures to carry out effective prevention and containment of the COVID-19 pandemic in airport facilities.

In this sense, the GPP highlights that the president of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology, Pere Godoy, has stated that “the temperature controls that are being carried out at airports (to control the transit of passengers infected by COVID-19) have a questionable efficacy. "

For this and other issues, the GPP regrets that Pedro Sánchez rejected the request made by the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso to expand the prevention and containment controls of COVID-19 at airports, since, for example In one month, before the end of the state of alarm, 32 cases had been confirmed and five had been entered by the Covid-19 that had entered Spain through the Barajas Airport.

On this matter, the deputy secretaries of the PP Jaime de Olano, Elvira Rodríguez, Cuca Gamarra, the deputy to the general secretary of the GPP, Isabel Borrego, the deputy spokespersons of the GPP José Ignacio Echániz and Mario Garcés, the second vice president of Congress, Ana Pastor, the president of the Congress Health Commission, Rosa Romero, the GPP health spokesperson, Elvira Velasco, the GPP tourism spokesperson, Agustín Almodóbar, and the PP deputy Juan Antonio Callejas, ask the following written questions to the Government:

– Does the Government plan to implement useful measures to effectively prevent and contain the COVID-19 pandemic at airports as requested by the Community of Madrid? If so, what measures? In what actual time frames? If not, for what reasons?

– Does the Government plan to implement measures to prevent the current ineffectiveness denounced by the Spanish Society of Epidemiology and promote adequate prevention and containment of the COVID-19 epidemic at airports? If so, what measures? In what actual time frames? If not, for what reasons?

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