Pedimos que el ministro Garzón explique en el Congreso la subida del precio de los alimentos en plena crisis

• He also requests the appearance of the director of the Tax Agency for the economic impact of COVID-19 on the collection

The Popular Parliamentary Group has requested the appearance in the Congress of Deputies of the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón, due to the economic impact derived from the Coronavirus crisis on the price of food.

Specifically, the Popular Group has asked that the head of Consumption go to the Lower House to explain "the rise in the price of food during the months of March, April and so far in May, and the actions of the Spanish Security Agency Alimentaria (AESAN) in this regard ”, a request that is added to another request from Garzón to appear to explain“ the recommendations of the Ministry of Consumption on the use of FFP2 masks ”.

In addition, the GPP has also requested the appearance of the director general of the State Agency for Tax Administration to report to Congress on "how the pandemic is affecting the tax framework and what are the collection forecasts for this year 2020 for the different concepts " Both requests for appearance are signed by the spokesperson for the Popular Group, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo.


It should be remembered that the Governor of the Bank of Spain, Pablo Hernández de Cos, worsened this Monday, during his appearance in the Congress of Deputies, his forecast of a drop in GDP to 9.5% in the best case, being exceeded its previous forecast on the most optimistic scenario of the decline in the economy, which put the collapse of GDP at 6.6%.

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