• Claims to know the technical and political reasons for the "favorable treatment" to local, regional and regional authorities of both communities, which exclusively empowers them to increase spending against the Coronavirus

The Popular Parliamentary Group has demanded explanations from the Government for "the favorable treatment" that privileges the Basque Country and Navarra with greater debt capacity against COVID-19 after the agreement signed by the majority of the Pedro Sánchez Executive coalition with Bildu.

The Popular Group recalls that on May 20, a few minutes after the result of the vote in Congress for the fifth extension of the State of Alarm was known, the agreement signed by the spokesmen of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, Adriana Lastra, was made public, from the Parliamentary Group of Unidos Podemos-En Comú Podem-Galicia en Común, Pablo Echenique, and the spokesperson for EH Bildu.

As is known, in the second point of the “shameful agreement” it is stated, verbatim: “Local, regional and autonomous entities will have greater spending capacity for public policies aimed at alleviating the social effects caused by the Covid-19 crisis. For Local Entities, these expenses in social policies will be excepted from the computation of the expense rule. The indebtedness capacity of the Basque Autonomous Community and the Autonomous Community of Navarra will be established exclusively based on their respective financial situations ”.

Specifically, the GPP claims to know, among other things, the political reasons for this “favor treatment” granted exclusively to the Basque Country and Navarra and if the Executive intends to extend it to the rest of Spain.

With this battery of initiatives, signed by the deputy spokesman of the GPP Mario Garcés and the deputy for Vizcaya, Beatriz Fanjul, the Popular Group asks the following questions to the Executive:

– What is the technical criterion that the Government of Spain has followed to grant greater spending capacity to local, regional and autonomous entities of the Basque Country and Navarra?

– Why are these budgetary or spending ‘privileges ’granted to these Autonomous Communities and not to the rest?

– What have been the political reasons that have led the Government of Spain to grant favorable treatment to local entities in the Basque Country and Navarra at the request of EH Bildu, compared to the rest of Spanish local entities?

– Would not allowing municipalities to exclude spending on social policies in relation to COVID-19 from the calculation of their deficit, would this not simply mean hiding their debt?

– Are these advantages part of the "social shield" that according to the Government of Spain is going to extend to the rest of Spanish citizens?

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