• With special attention to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla in the summer months

The Popular Parliamentary Group has presented a battery of questions and requests for data to the Government and has registered the request for the appearance of four high-ranking officials in Congress, including the ministers responsible for the Interior and Migrations, to detail what the Executive's plans are regarding upon the arrival in Spain of irregular immigrants during the coronavirus pandemic, especially in the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, as well as security protocols
sanitary to avoid contagions.

Specifically, the appearances of the ministers of the Interior and that of Inclusion and Migration are demanded, as well as the secretaries of State for Security and that of
Migrations, to explain different details about the plans of their respective Departments, in coordination between them and with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Communities and the Municipalities concerned, in view of the possible arrival of said immigrants in the summer months.

As for the data requests registered in the Lower House, they are sent to Foreign Affairs and Health. In the first case, to know the countries of origin and transit of
irregular immigrants with whom there are established Development Cooperation actions, or are potential recipients of them, who promote the
sustainability of these countries and make staying in them attractive. Regarding Health, prevention measures and protocols are required to reduce the risks of contagion in all actions.

In addition, the GPP points out that the irregular arrival of immigrants, both by sea and by jumping the fence of the border posts of Ceuta and Melilla, is aggravated in the summer months. This year, this migratory pressure will coincide with the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, so the following questions are asked, among others, to the Executive:

– Is the Government aware of the very strong growth in the arrival of immigrants to the Canary Islands and of the warnings to this effect that the Commissioner has launched
European Ylva Johansson, with the added severity of the coronavirus crisis? Does the Government plan any action to stop the sharp increase in
cayucos that is reaching the Canary coasts? What measurements?

– What has been the reception protocol in Ceuta and Melilla for immigrants after the declaration of the state of Alarma? How many are now in Ceuta and Melilla, and where exactly? Information is requested compared to the protocol prior to the pandemic and the details of the quarantine treatment, test and any other means of prevention that may have been applied to immigrants are requested. This information is also requested, broken down by province and month.

– Due to the pandemic, the CIES have been closed, and there are no returns or deportations to the countries due to the health situation of Co-vid-19. What plans does the Government have to resize the system and be able to serve immigrants, without violating their rights or the rights of the Spanish? What strategy is the Government going to follow to ensure the health of immigrants and the people who serve them, both upon arrival and afterwards? What have been the places chosen for the initial confinement of these immigrants? What have been the characteristics of these places, broken down by provinces and months?

– How many immigrants have been tested for Covid-19, and how many have been treated for the disease? What has been the protocol for the protection of
agents of the State Security Forces and Corps and of the personnel who have attended immigrants since the beginning of the Alarm State? How many have
carried out some tests and how many have had to be treated for the disease? This information is requested, broken down by province and month.

– What is said protection protocol for agents at the present time? What is the level of availability of protective material for the disease
of the Covid-19, for members of the State Security Forces and Corps? Information is requested on the protocol and the material broken down by province and month, its availability at the present time, and the forecasts for the summer months. What is the protocol of action envisaged in the area of ​​immigration, to minimize infections by Covid-19, both among immigrants who come to Spain, by any means, and among the people who assist them?

– What are the forecasts for the arrival of immigrants, in boats or canoes, or jumping over the Ceuta and Melilla fences, or forcing the border crossings that the Government manages for the months of May, June, July, August and September? Does the government plan to reopen CIES this summer? What health security protocols will be put in place for the reception of immigrants and to guarantee the health security of the personnel who serve them? What have been the criteria for the distribution throughout the Spanish territory of immigrants who have come to Spain since the pandemic began? What will those criteria be in the coming months?

The battery of questions is signed by the GPP secretary general, Guillermo Mariscal, the deputy spokespersons Pilar Marcos, Marta González and Carlos Rojas, and the
deputies Ana Vázquez, Belén Hoyo, Fernando Gutiérrez, José Ortiz, Teresa Angulo, Carmelo Romero, Auxiliadora Pérez and Javier Bas.

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