La vicesecretaria de Organización, Ana Beltrán

Requests that the Government of Sánchez clarify in Parliament if he approves the plan for the release of prisoners from his partner Podemos

The Popular Parliamentary Group has demanded the urgent appearance of the Interior Minister in Congress, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, to clarify why the Sánchez government yesterday vetoed an organized protest against the management of the President of the Executive, in which it sought to dissolve about 70 people concentrated in Pamplona, ​​"in the same place where the day before hundreds of people had gathered in favor of ETA prisoners."

The PP deputy secretary, Ana Beltrán, has denounced that "the attitude shown with those who criticize Sánchez contrasts with the written approval of the delegate of the Government in Navarra to the massive gathering held by hundreds of abertzales last Friday in Pamplona." Beltrán has condemned that both Sánchez and the president of Navarra, the socialist María Chivite, "use the state of alarm to limit freedoms for Democrats and give wings to radicals."

For this reason, he has requested that Grande-Marlaska appear urgently in the Interior Commission of the Congress of Deputies to explain the position of the Executive regarding the plan for the release and generalized approach of ETA prisoners signed on May 11 by Podemos – partner of Government of President Pedro Sánchez– with EH Bildu, ERC, Junts, PNV, Más Páis, CUP, BNG and Compromís; as well as to inform the Government's penitentiary policy in relation to the ongoing negotiations with the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC).

Grande-Marlaska "must report in Congress on the acts of support for ETA Patxi Ruiz in Pamplona and account for the criteria followed by the Government when giving approval to concentrations of support for the impunity of terrorists."

Beltrán has warned that "the Government of Spain must clarify whether, as its government partner, it is in favor of Bildu and ERC defining the penitentiary policy of our country." "The impunity with which concentrations of hundreds of Batasunos are held in the full state of alarm to request the release of terrorists shows that the Government of Spain kneels before radicals in exchange for support," he added, stating that he continued to reproach "the lack of freedom of those who ask for the resignation of Sánchez in the street ”.

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