The Popular Parliamentary Group has registered a Non-Law Proposal in the Congress of Deputies to mitigate the damage caused by the cold drop in different areas of Spain. It requests the Government to urgently launch special actions, pending the evaluation of the final impact in all regions affected by the DANA (Isolated Depression in High Levels).
The GPP conveys its condolences to the families of the deceased, their solidarity to all those affected, and thanks their work and total dedication to the EMU, State Security Forces and Bodies, Firefighters, and relief, emergency and rescue services. At this time, the work of safeguarding people affected by DANA is a priority.
GPP spokeswoman Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo; the general secretary of the Party, Teodoro García; the deputy general secretary of the Group, Isabel Borrego, and the deputies of the affected areas request that the real extent of the damages caused by the rains, storms and floods from 11 to 13 of this month be determined and quantified as soon as possible September in the Mediterranean area.
The Proposal reflects the need to declare the area as “an area seriously affected by a civil protection emergency” and, consequently, grant the corresponding aid for death; for absolute and permanent disability, and for damages in habitual housing and essential necessities.
In addition, the GPP urges the Government, among other issues, to approve the corresponding aid to industrial, commercial and service establishments; as well as those derived from damages in municipal infrastructure and provincial and island road network and in agricultural, livestock, forestry and marine aquaculture productions.
The Official Credit Institute could open subsidized preferential loan lines, and the Executive, apply the necessary fiscal, labor and Social Security measures. It should also enable the necessary resources to repair affected road or rail infrastructure; expedite the payment of compensation of the agricultural insurance system of 100% of the real damage, and provide the municipalities and neighbors with the necessary support for the processing of any aid and receive it quickly; as well as creating a Coordination Commission for the follow-up of all initiatives that are launched.