Proponemos eliminar el impuesto eléctrico para reducir la factura de la luz a familias y pymes

• The elimination would mean a reduction of 40-45 euros per year for a family with average consumption covered by the PVPC rate.

The Popular Parliamentary Group has presented a Non-Law Proposition in Congress to reduce the electric bill of families and small and medium-sized companies by eliminating the tax on the value of the production of electric energy, which would go from 7% to a 0%.

This suppression of the tax "would imply a direct reduction in the price of energy, with the consequent positive impact on the bill of all final consumers", explain the popular ones. This would mean a reduction of 40-45 euros per year for a family with average consumption under the PVPC rate, for example. In this way, the effects of confinement on families and SMEs could be alleviated, making expenses such as the electric bill become a heavy burden.

The initiative – signed by the spokesperson for the Popular Group, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, the GPP general secretary, Guillermo Mariscal, and the deputies Juan Diego Requena and Alberto Herrero – urges the Government to “modify Law 15/2012, of 17 December, fiscal measures for energy sustainability, to set the rate of tax on the value of the production of electrical energy at the rate of 0% ".

Likewise, this reduction must be transferred to the remuneration parameters of the specific remuneration regime for electricity production facilities from renewable sources, cogeneration and waste, so that the transfer becomes effective in the first liquidation of the electricity system after entry into force of the measure, and families and SMEs can benefit from it as soon as possible.

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