• He also requests that the Minister of Labor explain in the commission the details of the commitment acquired

The Popular Parliamentary Group has presented today in Congress the request for the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to appear before the Plenary of the Chamber, to report on the agreement reached between the PSOE, United We Can-In Common Podem-Galicia in common and Euskal Herria Bildu on May 20, according to which the signatories "undertake to repeal the 2012 Labor Reform in its entirety," among other points.

Likewise, in another petition also signed by the spokesperson of the Popular Parliamentary Group, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, the appearance in the Commission is demanded
correspondent of the Congress of the Minister of Labor and Social Economy to “give an account of the plans of his Department in compliance with the agreement reached by the parties that make up the current Government coalition with Euskal Herria Bildu on May 20, according to which the signatories undertake "to repeal in full the Labor Reform of 2012".

As is known, the agreement was signed by the top parliamentary leaders of the PSOE, Podemos and Bildu, Adriana Lastra, Pablo Echenique and Mertxe Aizpurua.

The document consists of only three points, including the commitment of the signatories for the effective repeal of the labor reform "before the end of the extraordinary measures adopted by the Government in economic and labor matters derived from the crisis caused by the COVID-19 ”.

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