"The coronavirus is an issue in which the state parties have to be united, and our support for the Government in this matter has to be clear and evident."
The Popular Parliamentary Group in the Senate has presented in the Chamber Registry the requests to appear by the Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Salvador Illa; and the third vice president of the Government and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, to report on Covid-19.
Thus, the popular in the Senate request the appearance of the head of Health, in the Committee of the Senate, "to report on the actions carried out against Covid-19 and coordination with the Autonomous Communities."
Similarly, the GPP has requested the appearance of Nadia Calviño in the Committee on Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Chamber, "to explain the possible economic consequences that are expected as a result of Covid-19".
The popular in the Senate, as he said this week, the spokesman, Javier Maroto, points out that the coronavirus “is an issue in which the state parties have to be united, and our support for the Government in this matter has to be clear and evident. " In addition, it is essential that it is in the territorial Chamber, where we can have these appearances. ”