Four years after its creation in May 2015, the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training exceeds 1,000 members (647 companies, 297 educational centers, 136 associations and 82 institutions), committed to the development of a quality Dual FP in Spain . On the occasion of this celebration, H.H. MM. The Kings they have received in audience the vice president of the Bertelsmann Foundation and president of the Princess of Girona Foundation, Francisco Belil; to the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi; and the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain, José Luis Bonet, as well as the other members of the Executive Committee of the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training, in the Palacio de la Zarzuela, reception that took place on May 17, 2015 when the Alliance was formalized.

In the audience, the Kings have been able to learn about the innovation projects in the implementation of Dual Vocational Training in Spain and the training model that contributes to business competitiveness and to improving the access of young people to the labor market.

The Executive Committee of the Alliance is formed by companies and institutions committed to the promotion of Dual Vocational Training and that incorporate in their strategy the development of this training model. Among its functions are the definition, approval and evaluation of the operation and activities of the Alliance, as well as the resources, priorities and their scheduling, the recruitment of new members, the promotion of cooperation among its members and the recognition of the most outstanding projects of FP Dual. Currently, the Executive Commission is made up of Bertelsmann Foundation, Chamber of Commerce of Spain, CEOE, Princess of Girona Foundation, Acciona, Aldi, Bankia, Bankia Foundation for Dual Training, Melià Hotels International, Nestlé, Repsol, Robert Bosch Spain, Suez Spain and Lidl.

The latest accessions to the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training, which have exceeded 1,000 members, have been Círculo de Empresarios, Fundació BCN FP, Accenture and the Ribamar educational center.

V Forum Alliance for Dual FP

One of the key points of the hearing was the announcement of the Annual Forum of the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training, which this year celebrates its fifth edition and will be held at the Museu de les Aigües d'Agbar in Cornellà del Llobregat (Barcelona) on 10 and 11 October, co-organized with Suez Spain and with the collaboration of Fundació BCN FP. The Forum will focus this year on the importance of communication in the promotion of Dual FP, which will discuss the role of the media, the use of social networks and dissemination campaigns. It will also be an opportunity to learn about the model at European level and to show success stories of companies, educational centers and institutions, as well as the experiences of young apprentices.

Four years of success

Inspired by the German Vocational Training model and with successful results in several Central European countries, Dual Vocational Training guarantees a labor insertion of more than 70% after the studies, which are taught in Spain since the 2013-2014 academic year. Since then, more than 10,000 companies and 900 educational centers have offered apprentice vacancies within the Dual FP model, with more than 24,000 students enrolled in the 2016-2017 academic year.

The Alliance for Dual Vocational Training brings together the best initiatives and experiences of Dual Vocational Training in Spanish companies and educational centers. Since its inception, the Alliance has supported its members when designing their first Dual FP projects through its Technical Advisory. Of all the entities contacted during these four years, 300 companies that did not perform Dual FP have incorporated apprentices; Sectoral associations have started FP Dual projects and 50 educational centers have incorporated new training cycles.

In addition, the Alliance makes proposals to improve Dual FP through working groups in which members of the network participate; generates good practices that can inspire other entities; recognizes the best projects each year with the Alliance Award for Dual Vocational Training, and promotes the exchange of knowledge. The digital platform launched two years ago has contributed to the project having much more scope and impact. Today, the virtual community serves as a meeting point and source of information for all parties involved.

Finally, the Alliance supports the dissemination of the model among students and their families through the network of ambassadors 'We are FP Dual', formed by apprentices and former apprentices of this modality.

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