This first phase of 2019, which began in August, has meant the sending of 85,000 letters nationwide, 47,737 referring to fraud in temporary hiring and 37,263 related to part-time hiring. In total, they affected 238,015 working people, 89,285 corresponding to fraud in temporary hiring and 148,730 to the plan against irregular use of part-time contracts.
As a result of these communications to companies, 59,359 temporary contracts have been regularized in indefinite terms, which represents 66.5% of the workers affected by the Crash Plan. These data represent an improvement over the 2018 Shock Plan, in which during its first phase 51,941 temporary contracts were transformed into indefinite, 64.50% of the affected workers.
In addition, the day has been increased by 22,355 part-time contracts, which represents 15% of the workers affected by the Plan. Of that hiring, 12,305 are increases in working hours equal to or greater than 50% and 10,050 are increments of less than 50%. These data triple the results of the Crash Plan developed in 2018, in which during its first phase the day of 7,591 workers with part-time contracts was increased.
The companies affected by the communications have had a month to proceed to regularize the situation of their workers. From that moment on, the second phase of the Shock Plans has begun through the inspection actions.
These crash plans are part of the Master Plan for Decent Work 2018-2020, approved by the Government in the Council of Ministers on July 27, a Plan that seeks to recover labor rights and improve the quality of employment and working conditions, in addition to fighting against precariousness and labor fraud, thus reinforcing the present and future sustainability of Social Security and social benefits.
In the following table, the distribution of results of the first phase of the 2019 shock plans by sexes is broken down:
Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security
Results 2018-2019
In the fifteen months of the implementation of the Master Plan for Decent Work 2018-2020, with the ordinary inspection actions, the crash plans of 2018 and the first phase of the 2019 plans, a total of 273,173 contracts have become undefined temporary fraud.
Of this total:
- 152,369 correspond to ordinary inspection actions.
- 61,445 were transformed as a result of the Shock Plan developed between August and December 2018
- 59,359 contracts have been transformed as a result of the first phase of the 2019 Shock Plan
Data representing an increase of 97%, 134,370 more contracts, compared to the previous fifteen months (May 2017 to July 2018), where a total of 138,803 temporary contracts were transformed into indefinite.
On the other hand, the working hours of 65,982 part-time contracts have been extended, the breakdown of which is as follows:
- 34,803 correspond to ordinary inspection actions.
- 8,824 correspond to the 2018 Shock Plan developed between August and December 2018.
- 22,355 correspond to the first phase of the 2019 Plan against abuses in part-time work.
The increase in this plot is 111% (34,761 more extensions) in relation to the period May 2017 to July 2018, where the day of 31,221 part-time contracts was increased.
Irregular jobs
Since August 2018 and with data as of October 31, 2019, 160,422 irregular jobs have emerged, an increase of 31.83% compared to the period May 2017 to July 2018. These actions of the Inspection have allowed the collection of Social Security fees for an amount exceeding 1,400 million euros, 22.56% more than the amount obtained between May 2017 and July 2018.
This section includes the regularization of 34,838 false self-employed workers by means of their correct framework in the General Social Security System, multiplying by six the results obtained in the fifteen months prior to the approval of the Master Plan.
In turn, within the data of false freelancers, those obtained with the new campaign on digital platforms and electronic commerce stand out. During the last 15 months, inspections have resulted in 8,451 discharges in the general Social Security regime to regularize the labor framework of working people in these sectors of activity, 460 infractions have been detected and recovered, through Social Security settlements, more than 15 million euros.