The Minister for Equality meets with UATAE to address the reality of self-employed women

At the meeting, which is part of a series of meetings with civil society, feminist associations and women's organizations, the reality of self-employed women, their difficulties aggravated by the health crisis, was analyzed and an analysis was made of the gender gap in self-employment.

The Ministry of Equality and the representatives of UATAE they have addressed issues such as the 35% gap in women's participation in self-employment; How are the poorest retirees, with 27.2% less in their pension, while they earn 47% less than the average pension than salaried workers. The feminization of certain sectors such as hospitality, commerce or services that have been particularly affected by the pandemic has been underlined.

Another of the topics of the meeting has revolved around the fact that the work of the self-employed is usually a precarious alternative to the expulsion from the labor market – about 60% of new hires in social security for self-employed women are women. between 50 and 59 years old-, and all the implications this has with conciliation, especially during the COVID-19 crisis.

María José Landaburu has positively valued the accessibility of Minister Irene Montero and her receptivity to transfer these issues to the Government's political agenda. "We will emerge from this crisis if we think about the extension of the Welfare State and economic recovery with a gender perspective," said Landaburu, "and this involves reinforcing the rights of self-employed women." UATAE has sent Irene Montero a series of proposals with that objective.

For her part, the Minister for Equality has stressed that the gender perspective in the response measures to COVID-19 and during de-escalation is one of the axes that underpins all government action, expressing her commitment to the necessary transformation of inequalities in the world of work as a whole, in which the Montero department has full coordination with the Ministry of Labor.

"The freelancers know better than anyone the problems of working life or remote work: the lack of conciliation, impossible hours, no casualties … we believe that we must emerge from this crisis profoundly transforming our society and for this we must seek formulas that favor real reconciliation and care without women being expelled from the labor market in the medium term, "said the minister, who has promised to study some of the measures transferred by the platform.

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