• The Council of Ministers approves the Royal Decree amending the structure of the Government's Delegated Commissions
  • The first Delegate Commission for Economic Affairs of the new Government will be held next Thursday

The Council of Ministers today approved the Royal Decree amending Royal Decree 1886/2011, of December 30, establishing the Government's Delegated Commissions. With this rule, the commission of the Delegated Commission for Economic Affairs (CDGAE) is adapted because the Ministry of Economy and Business will assume new functions.

Nadia Calviño, Minister of Economy and Business, will chair the CDGAE, whose first meeting is called for next Thursday. For her part, the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, will exercise the functions of vice-presidency.

The rest of the commission will be made up of the Minister of Public Works; the ministers of Education and Vocational Training; Labor, Migrations and Social Security, Industry, Commerce and Tourism; the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; the ministers of Territorial Policy and Public Function, for the Ecological Transition; and the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities.

In turn, the Secretaries of State for the Economy and Business Support are part of the CDGAE; for the Information Society and the Digital Agenda; of the Treasury; and Budgets and Expenses.

Exceptionally, when issues in the Commission related to the European Union are discussed, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and the Secretary of State for the European Union will attend.

The heads of the other ministerial departments may be summoned when dealing with matters with economic or budgetary repercussions related to said ministries.

A representative of the Presidency of the Government will also always attend the CDGAE, and the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support will perform the functions of the Commission's Secretariat.

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