The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has called the prize "Food of Spain Best Cheeses 2019", which aims to promote quality cheese.
The Order excerpt announcing the announcement of this award has been published in the State official newsletter (BOE) and includes the requirements to participate in these awards that have been called for five modalities: "Spanish Foods Best Cheese of Vaca", "Food of Spain Best Sheep Cheese", "Food of Spain Best Goat Cheese", "Spanish Foods Better Mix Cheese" and "Spanish Foods Better Cheese with Molds or Blue Cheese".
May participate in the prize who hold the ownership of authorized establishments for the production of cheeses as set out in the legislation in force.
The cheesemakers can compete in one or several modalities, but they can only participate with one sample per modality. The cheeses submitted to the prize will be prepared by the contestant who must justify the annual production of a minimum number of 2,000 pieces or 3,000 kilos.
The deadline for submitting applications will be three months counted from June 27.