The General Directorate of Civil Aviation, ENAIRE, Aena, the IGN and the National Geographic Information Center have signed an agreement for the coordination of the capture of LiDAR data in Spanish territory.
The General Directorate of Civil Aviation, the Public Business Entity ENAIRE, the State Mercantile Society AENA, the National Geographic Institute (IGN) and the National Geographic Information Center, all of them public bodies attached to the Ministry of Development, have signed an agreement for the coordination of the capture of LiDAR data in Spanish territory, in relation to the Technical Guidelines for Electronic Data on Terrain and Obstacles in Civil Aviation (eTOD).
In this way, the Ministry of Development maintains its commitment to strengthening aviation safety and consolidates the framework of relations between the different organizations involved in obtaining reference altimetric information and, with it, the synergies derived from the set of its actions and the maximum profitability of public investments in this area.
All the signatories maintain a line of collaboration that ensures that the geospatial information, used in the development of their respective competences, is the official one generated by the IGN and is adapted to the applicable aeronautical requirements. Accurate information on the terrain and its obstacles is an element of vital importance for safety in flight, especially in the approach phase in which aircraft must be able to lower their altitude while maintaining safety levels intact.
Optimize official information
This signature means deepening the optimization of the contribution of all of them and in obtaining official geospatial information, authorized, objective, homogeneous and useful in the field of aeronautical operations developed in our country, available to all Public Administrations.
It is a legal instrument of collaboration, framed in the National Plan of Observation of the Territory (PNOT) and, within it, aimed at the implementation of the National Plan of Capture and Processing of LiDAR data (PNOA-LiDAR), whose objective is the obtaining of altimetric information of all the Spanish territory every six years.
The PNOT is a Spanish initiative coordinated by the National Geographic Institute (IGN), which in its time was ahead of the European program Copernicus, with which it shares objectives: the monitoring of the territory by aerospace sensors and the subsequent extraction of useful information for the management and decision making.