- The Minister of Economy and Business has inaugurated the act of presentation of the work 'Digital Society and Law', which had the participation of its co-directors Tomás de la Quadra-Salcedo and José Luis Piñar
- Nadia Calviño has called for a reflection on how to undertake the digital transformation to guarantee equal rights and conditions for all citizens
The Minister of Economy and Business, Nadia Calviño, presided this morning at the presentation of the book ‘Digital Society and Law ’. It is a work that compiles about fifty articles, the first of this draft that raises in our country a reflection in the field of Law on the digitization process.
‘Digital Society and Law’ aims to open the debate on the risks and opportunities that the digitization of society brings for the protection of the fundamental rights of individuals and establish the foundations for future regulatory developments.
Guarantee the rights of citizens
In her opening speech, the minister assured that digital transformation is a transversal and unstoppable phenomenon, with a high potential for prosperity. "But if, in addition to a prosperous society, we want a just society, we must reflect on the implications of this transformation in areas such as ethics and citizens' rights."He stated, to add below:" We do not have the option of deciding whether or not we are, but we still have the option to decide how we want to be"
In the minister's words, access to the digital society is a fundamental right, which forces public and private powers to continue working to ensure that the internet reaches all citizens on equal terms. In this sense, it has highlighted the recent celebration during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona of ‘Digital Future Society’, an event promoted by the Ministry of Economy and Business to face technological transformation from a humanistic perspective and discuss how global governance should contribute to putting citizens at the center of digitization.
Construction law
The act of presentation of the book 'Digital Society and Law' has also had the intervention of one of its directors, Tomás de la Quadra-Salcedo, who has listed some of the risks that, from a legal perspective, digitization and convergence of new technologies. “This work is more than just a law book. Because in this area the challenges are so important, the changes that occur so relevant, that we are dealing with a law under construction"
The presentation was completed with a round table moderated by the Secretary of State for Digital Advancement, Francisco Polo, in which José Luis Piñar, Professor of Administrative Law at CEU-San Pablo University and co-director of this work; and co-authors Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras, professor of Commercial Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid; Christoph Steck, Director of Public Policies and Internet at Telefónica; and Carmen Herrero, professor of Commercial Law at the University of Valladolid.
The book Digital Digital Society and Law ’is already for sale through this link.