• The release process of the band 694-790 MHz (band 700 MHz or second digital dividend) will end before June 30, 2020, enabling it to provide 5G services
  • This Royal Decree approves a new Technical Plan for digital terrestrial television that guarantees its future until 2030
  • Under this standard, current DTT channels will be maintained and technological evolution will be favored to provide them with higher quality

The Ministry of Economy and Business has published today the draft Royal Decree approving the national technical plan for digital terrestrial television and establishing the basic conditions for the release of the second digital dividend.

The release of the 700 MHz band is a European-level project regulated by Decision (EU) 2017/899 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 17, 2017, on the use of the 470-790 MHz frequency band in the Union, which aims to ensure a coordinated approach to the use of this band in the European Union in accordance with common objectives.

The release of the 700MHz band will allow it to be used for other uses than broadcasting services, mainly those related to advanced pan-European electronic communications services. Specifically, it will enable the introduction and promotion of services associated with fifth generation mobile telephony (5G) within the 5G National Plan. This plan aims to facilitate Spain to play a leading role when 5G technology reaches maturity, driving digital transformation in an inclusive way and the development of Spain as an Entrepreneurial Nation.

The release process of the band 694-790 MHz (band 700 MHz or second digital dividend) will end before June 30, 2020, complying with the schedule established in the European Union.

Security and guarantees are also provided for the continuity and future of the digital terrestrial television service. The use of the band 470-694 MHz is guaranteed, which will continue to be used for the digital terrestrial television service, at least until 2030. In this band the same terrestrial digital television networks will be available that exist in the Technical Plan currently in vigor, and the offer of existing digital terrestrial television channels is maintained. The capacity to carry out territorial disconnections in the multiple digital ones that currently have it is also maintained.

Under this Royal Decree, each digital multiple will have the capacity to integrate four television channels in high definition, current broadcasts in standard definition may continue, and a deadline is foreseen for all television channels to evolve their broadcasts in high definition. .

Likewise, the obligation is established for all digital terrestrial television receivers that are placed on the Spanish market, after a period of six months from the entry into force of the Royal Decree, to include the ability to receive broadcasts in High Definition. The larger ones should also incorporate the ability to receive broadcasts in ultra high definition, broadcasts with DVB-T2 transmission technology, and interactive HbbTV services.

The technical specifications of digital terrestrial television broadcasts in high definition and ultra high definition are included, and measures are also included to favor and promote the future implementation of advanced digital terrestrial television standards with higher spectral efficiency technologies, which allow more efficient use of the radio spectrum and an improvement in quality.

The public hearing process will be open until February 18. The terms of it are available through the website of the https://avancedigital.gob.es/es-es/Participacion/Paginas/PRD-TDT-segundo-Dividendo-Digital.aspx

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