The acting secretary of State for Education and FP, Alejandro Tiana, and the sole interim administrator of the Spanish Broadcasting Corporation, Rosa María Mateo, have signed an agreement at the Ministry's headquarters whereby both institutions undertake to collaborate in the dissemination of the distance study of English, in particular, through the broadcast of the program 'That's English!'.
'That's English!' is a distance learning English course developed by the ministry that is a reference of the model of distance learning of languages and allows to obtain the certificates of basic level (A2) and intermediate level (B1 and B2) of the Official Schools of Languages. Starting in 2020, the advanced level (C1) will start to be offered. 'That's English!' is managed from the CIDEAD (Center for Innovation and Development of Distance Education), organism that deals with the educational attention at a distance throughout the national territory and that of Spanish citizens residing abroad.
The agreement, which was not updated since 2011 and will have a duration of four years renewable, seeks the collaboration of the Ministry and RTVE for the dissemination of the distance study of English so that all sectors of the population have effective means to acquire the knowledge of this language. In addition, the agreement aims to prepare citizens for the challenges of international mobility and promote teaching methods that strengthen the independence of thought, judgment and action.