The Ministry of Health and the General Council of Official Psychological Colleges (COP) of Spain They have launched a psychological helpline to provide assistance to people with difficulties derived from COVID-19. This telephone service has begun to provide assistance today.
Its purpose is to develop a support system and psychological first attention, oriented to managing stress and situations of discomfort derived from the different realities that this pandemic is generating.
This type of care provision is carried out through three different telephone numbers, aimed at specific population groups:
- 91 700 79 89 for relatives of sick or deceased people as a consequence of the coronavirus.
- The 91 700 79 90 for professionals with direct intervention in the management of the pandemic such as health, State Security Forces and Bodies or Local Police, among others.
- 91 700 79 88 for the general population with difficulties derived from the state of alert.
The hours of operation are from 09:00 to 20:00, every day of the week.
Professionalized attention service
This telephone service for psychological attention is attended by psychologists and psychologists with experience and knowledge in the different areas of attention. It will follow a common protocol of assistance with full guarantee of professional confidentiality.
It has a coordination center, made up of a team of experts, led by the Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid, María Paz García Vera.