I belong to a generation of women who have come here basically without complexes.
We were educated in duty, respect for ourselves and others, in equal rights, in the need to create a future for not depending on anyone, in caring for the family, in the transcendence of the human being …
They prepared us to be super-women, or at least they showed us the way. Always ready to reach everything: children, husband, work, home, family and friends … nurses, cooks, teachers, psychologists, mediators, seamstresses, skilled craftsmen, decorators, ironers, cleaners, good managers and economists, perfect hosts … Starring of the care of our children and also of our elderly parents. Multifaceted daughters, mothers, wives, lovers, counselors … and also in good physical condition, cared for and cute.
I belong to a generation of women who have nothing to envy from any of the previous ones because we have had absolute freedom, and it is also fair to say that I doubt that future generations will have to withstand such a high level of demand as we do.
And at this point in life, when the women of my generation have already turned the corner of the 50 tacos, I see firsthand and with pride how those who were my schoolmates, faculty, work, gang friends , of the neighborhood, of the day-to-day daily life… they are mostly, if not in their totality, made and right women, strong, complete, self-sufficient, autonomous and independent. Women with discretion and with that certain air of satisfaction that provides to take the reins of your life in your hand. For all this, and without claiming to represent me as a representation of anyone, I affirm that we are many, many, women who do not understand what is happening with these strange movements of young women of peculiar aesthetics of purple and black tones, when not in balls, and that They intend to "free us from the oppressive state and the male rapist."
Movements of young people, who have had it and have everything, daughters of wealthy families, Iphone girls, brand clothes and money in their pocket. Girls of easy life and dock whose only obligation has been to go to class without having to pass everything to pass the course, assiduous to the bottle and in some cases what they themselves call "follamigo", oblivious to duty, respect for them themselves and others. Bearers of an apocalyptic message that they repeat with a tragic grimace on their faces, as if they were broken and programmed dolls.
It is true that, without a doubt, the vast majority of young women continue their lives on the sidelines of this coven, but still being a minority, this discordant noise is contrasting, as usual, with the emptiness, when not the expectant stupor, of the silent majority
There are many ingredients of this tidal wave: political, ethical, moral, economic, social … Gender policy, neo-communism, transverse feminism, intersectional feminism, the fourth wave of feminism …
Suddenly, Spain proclaims itself a feminist state where the "progressive consensus" surprises us with the "genius" of inventing and approving article 14 of the Constitution of 1,978 that proclaims equality.
From one day to the next, the Ministry of Miss Pepis is created, from where Barbie Youtuber and her companion ladies teach us in a rancid and insulting feminism to reason. Man is criminalized for the fact of being one, he wants to destroy the presumption of innocence, women are considered inferior beings in need of all kinds of protection and subsidy and to celebrate International Women's Day, a project body is presented Law on "sexual freedom" in one of the nations of the world with more freedom of all …
It is not this, this was not the future. In our generation normality and normalization was practically unanimous rule. The coexistence of those boys and girls, then women and men was equal. What has happened for this setback? Who is interested in women being a weak being driven by a neo-machismo fed back by political interest? Who is behind these international zombie girl movements? Who determines, directs, locates, temporaryizes and pays? None of this is free, let alone the Spaniards will be free.
So, I see nothing to celebrate next March 8, except the feast of St. John of God, Patron of the Hospital Brothers and Firefighters. For them my congratulations. Some take care of mental health, others put out fires. Seen this way on March 8 gives rise to many allegories …
Sonia Lalanda Sanmiguel
VOX spokesperson for the City Council of Palencia