The dismantled organization was formed by 12 members, all of them arrested, being the ringleaders the grandparents and the parents of the same family
The network had three laboratories located in Madrid (Valdemorillo and Villaviciosa de Odón) and Toledo (the Viso de San Juan) to carry out drug trafficking operations, one of them having the capacity to extract and produce 500 kilos of cocaine per month.
The organization specifically transferred from Colombia three people specialized in the extraction of the drug, who were "working" for 10 days without leaving the laboratory
Intervened a total of 30 kilos of cocaine base paste, 1 kilo of cocaine hydrochloride, 600 kilos of pellets impregnated in cocaine, 3,000 liters of chemical products as well as all the necessary tools for handling such as hydraulic presses, molds or blotting paper
The media will be able to interview the person in charge of the operation and take pictures of the objects intervened at 12:00 in the Canillas police complex.
Note: This press release has a related video.
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