The festival 'Una mirada diferente' is organized by the National Drama Center and is held from June 14 to 23 at Teatro Valle-Inclán, Madrid. Among its objectives is to improve the visibility and inclusion of artists with disabilities in cultural activity. It also aims to be a tool that promotes the presence of artists with disabilities in the usual programs.
'A different view' wants to stimulate, support, develop and publicize inclusive scenic projects, and make visible the capacities and work of artists with functional diversity, to collaborate in the standardization and professionalization of the inclusion of creators with functional diversity in the performing arts in our country.
Organized by the National Drama Center, throughout its previous editions it has faced new challenges so that each year, the festival was something unrepeatable. The National Drama Center is the first theater production unit created by the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music, of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Founded in 1978, its main mission is to disseminate and consolidate currents and trends of contemporary dramaturgy, with special attention to current Spanish authorship.
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