The parliamentary group resumes its visits and work meetings throughout the territory. David Arranz and Julio de Santa Ana travel to Huesca and participate in a conference with the COGEP of Alto Aragón.

The deputy David Arranz, together with the coordinator of the parliamentary group of courts of Aragon, Julio de Santa Ana, visited the party's headquarters in Huesca. There they held a meeting with the COGEP of Huesca and Ángel de la Cruz, responsible for the territorial organization of Aragon at VOX.

During the meeting, aspects of the VOX situation in the province were addressed, as well as the challenges of training in Upper Aragon. Tourism and hospitality, pandemic, social and economic crisis, professional and autonomous sectors, were among many others the topics that were analyzed and that concern the party.

This meeting marks a new stage of work in which the VOX parliamentary group in Aragon is involved.

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