La senadora del Partido Popular, Mª Teresa Ruiz Sillero

It affects Montero that it has not offered any solution to this problem, so the 630 dismissals of the Airbus company are still on the air

The spokeswoman for the Work of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Senate, Teresa Ruiz Sillero, has asked the Minister of Finance, Maria Jesús Montero, that the Government develop “a National Strategic Plan to support and boost the aeronautical industry”. "We want a commitment to Andalusia and the aeronautical sector in which many jobs are at stake and it is a vital sector," he said.

In the same way, the senator of the PP has assured that several contracts are necessary in the Defense sector and “from the PP we ask for investments in the national security industry”, and has affirmed that “the Popular Party will be next to the workers, so that they do not lose their job due to lack of investments of the Government of Pedro Sánchez ”.

Ruiz Sillero has referred in his question to the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, "on the measures that the Government plans to take to maintain employment in the aeronautical sector in Andalusia."

In her speech, the Labor spokeswoman of the popular in the Upper House, recalled that the company Airbus has raised 630 layoffs in Spain until the end of 2021, the second most affected European country. "The bulk of the layoffs are concentrated in Andalusia, between the plants of Seville and Cádiz about 400 layoffs, but I also don't want to forget about the Getafe and Illescas factories affected by the layoffs," he said.

Likewise, Ruiz Sillero has indicated that, since as Minister of Finance he does not have skills either in employment, in industry, or in defense, I can only presuppose, since he is the person who has the key to the money, “that he is going to to commit on behalf of the Government to contract projects that strengthen the aeronautical industry in Andalusia and thus facilitate the creation of employment, ”said Ruiz Sillero.

“It is a strategic sector and we have to do as Germany and France, which do not leave this sector, Ruiz Sillero insisted, after which he recalled that, currently, the Airbus company has more than 13,000 employees in Spain and more than 3,000 of them , In Andalucia; and that without counting on the auxiliary industry that would be the second harmed by that lack of investments of the Government ”, explained the Andalusian senator.

“I also remember the future of young people who are currently being trained in Dual FP and who are being denied their future; we not only talk about the layoffs that occur today, but those that will be lost in the coming years and especially those that will not be created, ”said Teresa Ruiz Sillero.

“I am surprised that being as Andalusian as I am, he prefers to pay him and duck his head in the face of pressure-blackmail from the Catalan and Basque governments and instead deny Andalusia even bread and salt. We will claim what is of the 8 and a half million Andalusians, ”he said.

Finally, Teresa Ruiz Sillero has claimed Montero “the investments that Andalusia deserves”, after which, he asked the minister “when will he pay us 530 million euros of VAT, which is Andalusian money” .

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