Senado de España

The Popular Parliamentary Group in the Senate has registered in the House a motion for discussion and voting at the next plenary session of the House, asking the Government to “renounce the Senate as a territorial Chamber and maintain its competence in the procedure of approval of the objectives of budgetary stability and public debt ”.

The motion of the GPP that will be seen in the next Plenary session of March 4, asks the Executive to “desist from the reform of the Organic Law of budgetary stability and financial sustainability that aims to be a gag to democratic normality in Spain”.

The text of the popular in the Senate, remember that the Congress of Deputies has approved this week the Taking into Consideration of the proposal of Organic Law of reform of the Organic Law 2/2012 of April 27 of Budget Stability and Financial Sustainability.

Thus, the GPP motion continues, “a reform that aims to cut the functions of the Senate as a territorial Chamber, since it eliminates the obligation that the Senate has to endorse the objectives of budgetary stability and public debt proposed by the Government; objectives that affect not only the State Administration, but also the Territorial Administrations ”.

In the opinion of the PP, "this proposal constitutes an unprecedented attack on the essence of the Senate as a territorial chamber, a function entrusted to it by the Spanish Constitution itself."

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