- GPP Foreign spokeswoman Valentina Martinez criticizes Spain's "enormous weakness" in foreign policy with a growing loss of influence in the EU: "Spain does not deserve a weak foreign policy, without guidance, ambition or direction."
- He regrets that the Government of Spain does not defend “with more force and insistence” the interests of the Spaniards in the negotiation of the Financial Perspectives in the EU.
- "The Government of Spain should be defending in a stronger and more insistent way the interests of the Spaniards, our farmers, and that is achieved with strength, determination and when you have a respected role and you have strength within the EU."
- He points out that Brexit was able to assume for Spain to play a “strong” role within the EU, and regrets that the loss of influence and credibility of Spain in Europe has diluted the strategic advantage that the previous PP Government got to decide the future post -Brexit of Gibraltar.
- It also highlights the importance of our strength in foreign policy to negotiate with Morocco and Algeria regarding the maritime conflicts of the EEZ, or cross-border relations with Ceuta and Melilla. Stresses that when countries perceive "weakness" they take the opportunity to raise.
- The Latin American spokeswoman for the GPP, Belén Hoyo, censures the words of Vice President Calvo, pointing out that Latin America Latinoamérica does not matter to anyone ’:“ It matters, worries and occupies many Spaniards. Latin America should be a priority for the Government, it always has been for the governments of the PP and so it should continue. ”
- It requires the Government to work so that Latin America “looks more towards Europe than other regions; that Spain is the main interlocutor between Latin America and Europe and that the absence of freedom, democracy and human rights in the region be denounced ”.
- He calls on Minister González Laya to say what foreign policy he will follow in Venezuela: "If he goes to Borrell or Iglesias' policy" and demands that the Government recognize Juan Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela.
- He criticizes that the Sanchez Executive remains “mute” in the face of growing repressions in Nicaragua or the lack of liberties in Cuba, and asks to restore diplomatic relations with Bolivia so that the May elections in the country run “in absolute freedom and democracy”.
- It demands the Executive to “be aware” of the damages that can cause our agriculture “worrying questions” in the Agreement with Mercosur.
- He points out that the Government cannot be “in the equidistance” when in Venezuela it is against fundamental rights and demands that it call things by name, because in Venezuela there is “a dictatorship, and dictatorships are dictatorships, not conflicts” .
- It demands the Executive not to equate victims and executioners, "putting them at the same level", and rejects "the negotiated exits for international criminals that undermine human rights such as Delcy Rodríguez or Maduro, however much Zapatero demands."