Pablo Pérez en el Senado

Pablo Pérez has stressed that the motion asks "to allow the entry of foreign capital in unlisted companies, and to return to Law 19/2003"

"This proposal is aimed at those incipient companies, which are starting their business, to which the Government does not stop putting sticks in the wheels"

"RD 8/2020 has become a permanent measure to give the Government the power to decide who invests and who does not in Spain", lamented Pérez

The company spokesman for the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Chamber and senator for Segovia, Pablo Pérez, has asked the Government, through a motion, debated in the Committee on Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, "to modify the Fourth Additional Provision of the Royal Decree 8/2020 of March 17, which suspends the liberalization of foreign investments and is limited to strategic sectors, establishing, in said modification, a criterion of non-application to companies that are not listed on the stock market, thus allowing the continuity and survival of startups in Spain ”. The spokesperson for the GPP Company has assured that, as a first step and to avoid the decapitalization of unlisted companies and startups, "we urge the Government not to apply to these companies the suspension of the release of foreign investments." Thus, Pérez explained that the motion seeks to allow the entry of foreign capital into unlisted companies, and to return to Law 19/2020 that allows, with some requirements, the freedom of entry of foreign investors; "But it would be of no use if the Government is not able to uphold the essential principles to generate confidence in investors: maintain a stable legal and institutional framework." Throughout his speech, Pablo Pérez has shown that, "from the PP we make this proposal aimed at those incipient companies that are starting their business"; to which, the Government during the worst economic crisis that our country is experiencing, “does not stop putting sticks in the wheels; due to institutional insecurity, to which must be added legal insecurity, through regulations that veto investment in our companies ”, he remarked. In this sense, Pérez affirmed that investors need efficiency in health measures, institutional security, and a stable legal framework, as basic elements for them to trust our country when investing and “the Government is doing just the opposite. , putting our economy at the head of the decline and at the tail of the recovery ”.


At another point in the defense of the PP motion, Pablo Pérez lamented that this problem for attracting foreign capital, to attract capital investment to startups, “was created by the Government in Royal Decree 8/2020 of urgent measures extraordinary events to face the impact of Covid 19, which modifies Law 19/2003, on the legal regime of capital movements ”. Thus, it has detailed that this affects all investments made by residents outside the European Union, in which the investor becomes part of a stake equal to or greater than 10% of the capital stock of the Spanish company. “And although, in principle, this modification was temporary, exceptional, and transitory; another, Royal Decree 11/2020 on complementary urgent measures, eliminates this temporary nature, modifying the original wording, ”Pérez has shown. "It has become a permanent measure to give the Government the power to decide who invests and who does not in Spain", has denounced the PP senator.

To conclude, Pablo Pérez wanted to make it very clear that the government's action is not helping our economy at all, since “the ERTEs will be of no use if the government itself is the one who questions our Constitution; ICO credits will be of no use, if it is the Government itself that is launching attacks on the Monarchy; Aid to the main economic sectors will be of no use if the members of the Executive attack the Judiciary; Aid to the self-employed will be of no use if it is the Government that attacks the credibility of the State Security Forces ”.

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