The PP Spokesperson in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, you have sent a letter to David Maria Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, on the occasion of the communiqué of the General Directorate of the Presidency where he recognizes Oriol Junqueras as MEP.

The popular spokeswoman has requested that the European Parliament assume and accept the criteria of the Central Electoral Board of Spain, which has recently ruled clarifying that Oriol Junqueras cannot be MEP, and repeals the decision referred to in the statement issued today.

He denounces that, one day after the inauguration of Pedro Sánchez, the president of the European Parliament, which belongs to the European Socialist Party, issues this statement. “Sánchez is capable of everything for not losing the support of his separatist partners. The statement is another payment of the hidden covenant. ”

Montserrat has also stressed that "the PP will always maintain a firm position of respect and defense of Spanish legality and justice."

"We will continue explaining and claiming justice for the serious and irresponsible action of Catalan separatist politicians against the law, the democratic order and coexistence in Spain."

"The Popular Party will keep open all the means of denunciation to fight against those who seek to avoid and overcome their pending criminal responsibilities with the Spanish justice for events that took place long before the last European elections," he said.

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