The senator of the PP by the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, Teresa Ruiz-SilleroHe has reproached the acting Minister of Labor, Magdalena Valerio, that "the harsh reality we have is that Pedro Sánchez already surpasses Zapatero in the destruction of employment" and has assured that "the Spaniards cannot withstand another economic crisis as they point out the clues. "
Ruiz-Sillero made these statements in a question in the plenary session of the Senate to the acting Minister of Labor, Migration and Social Security, about the assessment made of the data on the destruction of employment in August 2019, which clearly show signs of economic slowdown.
Throughout her speech, the senator of the PP for Andalusia recalled that, in the month of August that has just ended, "there has been a disturbing crash in employment." “The Socialist Government is responsible for the fact that every day of August 6,870 Spaniards went to unemployment; and we are facing the worst month of August for employment since 2008, which was the black era of the socialist government of Zapatero, ”he said.
In addition, Ruiz-Sillero has lamented that in this month of August the fixed contracts were reduced by 20%; which, the senator said, "are very alarming and worrisome data."
In the same way, Teresa Ruiz-Sillero has affirmed that we have a functioning Government that “does not work, that suspends in the policies of job creation” and recalled that “whenever the PSOE governs increases unemployment”.
Thus, he said that the photo that happens is always the same: “the PSOE governs and employment is destroyed; the PP governs and employment is created ”; after which he recalled that Aznar inherited from the PSOE 20% unemployment and was able to reduce it to 11.5%, with 1,300,000 more jobs. And Zapatero left 4,422,000 unemployed and Rajoy, in the middle of the economic crisis, reduced unemployment and was able to create 1,800,000 jobs.
The popular senator has stressed that, in the face of the unemployment drama, "you can't look the other way" and you can't do what the PSOE is doing, which "is paralyzed", thinking about the new elections while their possible Partners tell them no.
"Enough of electoral strategies" – said Ruiz Sillero -, after which he pointed out that "we must think of the Spaniards who have already lost their jobs and cannot forget that behind each unemployed there is a family drama" .
In contrast to this, the popular senator has assured that the PP is worried and the solution is to stop making economic policy and give stability in them.
"The PP is very clear and that is why Pablo Casado has already convened an Economic Convention in the face of signs of economic slowdown because we want to tackle the problem of job destruction from minute one," said the senator.