Los diputados Diego Movellán y Ana Vázzquez en la Comisión de Trabajo en el Congreso de los Diputados

Headlines of Diego Movellán during his speech:

  • The spokesman for Labor and Social Economy of the GPP, Diego Movellán, accuses the Government of “not taking any measures” in the workplace beyond trying to “repeal” the labor reform of the PP with which 500,000 jobs were created per year and that granted the worker "a greater guarantee".
  • “To repeal the labor reform of the PP is to repeal the job creation of which Spain was a leader in the euro zone. It will serve to fill many minutes of television and heat many rallies of Podemos and the PSOE, but we will suffer all the Spaniards in our meats. ”
  • It puts on the table the data that guarantee that the Government of Sánchez “has come” to consolidate the model of job neglect, precariousness and temporality: “With Sánchez there are 91,000 more unemployed (30,000 women and 14,000 more unemployed), 22,000 less self-employed, 35,000 less companies, 22,000 less workers in the agricultural sector and 25,000 less contributors in the household employees scheme ”.
  • Censures the inaction of the Government against the true facts of the slowdown, the destruction of 244,000 jobs in January, the loss of competitiveness – "exports stagnate and foreign investment falls by 60%" -, and "the threat of tax hell ”with new tax increases.
  • He warns that with the coalition government commanded by Sanchez "the welfare state will again be put at risk with the destruction of employment, as every time the left governs in Spain."
  • It accuses the Government of “cornering” more if it is possible for the self-employed “in a country of entrepreneurs” such as Spain, and demands “a determined support” to the collective modifying the requirements so that they can collect the benefit for cessation of activity.
  • He calls on the Executive to say what measures he will take to face the labor changes associated with the 4.0 industrial revolution, and to clarify whether the interministerial “marketing” is true according to which the training funds for employment would be transferred to the Ministry of Labor Education.
  • Claims "strengthen and strengthen" the Social Economy and the implementation of measures to promote work and family reconciliation, in the path of the proposals by the PP in Congress.
  • It requires “real equality of treatment and real equal pay in the workplace”, and remember that before the 2018 Censorship Motion “historical milestones were achieved in data on women's affiliation and minimum wage gap”.

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