The also mayor of Estepona has indicated that "we cannot support a government with parties that want to prostitute the Constitution from the beginning"

The Popular Group in the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) has tried, without success, that today an institutional declaration on the country's governance was introduced on the agenda, specifically, asking that the future Government Spain is not agreed by Pedro Sánchez with parties that want to dissolve the unity of our nation.

In this sense, the GPP in the FEMP has warned the president of the acting government, Pedro Sánchez, that "do not use the Town Halls or the FEMP as mere comparsa in the consultations to form Government".

What has been agreed by the FEMP, as explained by its vice president and mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, is the creation of a group that works on this institutional statement and tries to reach a text that can be agreed by all the political parties present within the FEMP.

García Urbano has indicated that "Spain and its Local Entities need a Government now, but not at any price." And, as noted, "from the PP we can not support a government agreed with parties that want, from the beginning, prostitute the Constitution."

The also mayor of Estepona has pointed out that the GPP in the FEMP defends this position from "the legitimacy granted to us by citizens in the last municipal elections." Thus, he recalled that the Popular Party is the 2851 that has more mayors and councilors in Spain, specifically, 2. mayors and 20,336 councilors. ”


In another order of things, today the FEMP Territorial Council has also been established. With all its members, the National President of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, met this morning in a previous meeting in which the Deputy Secretary of Territorial Policy, Antonio González Terol, was also present.

The Territorial Council has ratified the appointments of the presidents and vice-presidents of the Working Commissions of the FEMP, as well as in the Networks and Sections. On the part of the PP, it has been named:

1. Commission of Social Welfare and Universal Accessibility President: Carlos Mazón. President Diputación de Alicante.

2. Commission for Development Cooperation President: Carlos Manuel García. Mayor of Salamanca

3. Committee on Culture President: Roberto Varona. Mayor of Huércanos (La Rioja)

4. Sports and Leisure Commission Vice President: José Luis Álvarez Ustarroz. Mayor of Majadahonda (Madrid)

5. Committee on Economic Development and Employment Vice-President: Marcos Serra, Sant Antoni de Portmany (Balearic Islands).

6. Committee on Rural Development and Fisheries Vice-Chairman: José Manuel Fernández Díaz. Mayor of Peñamellera Baja. (Asturias)

7. Depopulation and Demographic Challenge Committee Vice President: Raquel Clemente. Mayor of Celadas (Teruel)

8. Commission of Provincial Councils, Cabildos and Island Councils Vice President: Javier Aureliano García Molina. President Diputación de Almería

9. Education Committee Vice President: Astrid María Pérez Bautista. Mayor of Arrecife (Las Palmas)

10. Committee on Public Function and Human Resources President: Carlos García González. President Diputación de Ávila

11. Local Finance and Financing Commission: Vice President: Jose María Bellido. Mayor of Córdoba

12. Equality Committee Vice President: Luisa María García Chamorro. Mayor of Motril (Granada)

13. Social Integration and Cohesion Commission President: Alfonso Villares, mayor of Cervo (Lugo)

14. Commonwealth Commission Vice President: José Vicente Anaya, Mayor of Ayora (Valencia)

15. Committee on the Environment President: José Miguel Luengo, mayor of San Javier (Murcia)

16. Commission for Modernization, Good Governance and Citizen Participation. President: Miguel De Vicente, president of the Diputación de Segovia

17. Commission for Historical-Cultural Heritage Presidency: Manuel García Félix. Mayor of La Palma del Condado (Huelva)

18. International Relations Commission Vice President: Germán Beardo, Mayor of El Puerto de Santa Maria (Cádiz)

19. Public Health Commission President: Jesús Moreno, mayor of Tres Cantos (Madrid)

20. Citizen Security and Coexistence Commission. Vice President: Simón Valentín Bueno Vargas. Mayor of Villarobledo (Albacete)

21. Information Society, Technological Innovation and Digital Agenda Commission President: Conrado Iscar. President Diputación Valladolid

22. Committee on Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Road Safety Vice President: Jose Carlos Calvelo Martínez. Mayor of Arteixo. (A Coruña)

23. Tourism Committee Vice President: Antonio Pérez. Mayor of Benidorm. (Alicante)

24. Planning and Housing Commission President: Javier Ubeda Liébana. Mayor of Boadilla del Monte. (Madrid)

25. SDG Coordinating Commission Agenda 2030 Vice President: Mariano Hernández. President of the Island Council of La Palma


1. Spanish Network for Climate Vice President: Francis Salado. President of the Diputación de Málaga

2. Spanish Network of Healthy Cities Vice President: Luis Partida Brunete. Mayor of Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid).

3. Spanish Network for Biodiversity Vice President: Isaac Claver Ortigosa. Mayor of Monzón (Huesca)

4. Spain Convention Bureau (SCB) Vice President: Vicent Marí Marí. President of the Consell de Ibiza

5. Network of Cities for Transparency Vice President: Emilio Bascuñana. Mayor of Orihuela (Alicante)

6. Thermal Villas: Vice President. Gabriel Alen Castro. Mayor of Cenlle (Ourense)



Headlines: Jose Maria Garcia Urbano. Mayor of Estepona and Vicepte FEMP Jorge Azcón Navarro. Mayor of Zaragoza. PP spokesperson.

Substitutes: Gema Igual Ortiz, Mayor of Santander. Deputy Spokesman PP Ángeles Armisen, President of the Provincial Council of Palencia.


Headlines: Jose Maria Garcia Urban. Mayor of Estepona. Vicepte FEMP

Jorge Azcón Navarro. Mayor of Zaragoza. PP spokesperson.

Substitutes: Manuel Garcia Felix. Mayor of La Palma del Condado. (Huelva)

Jose Francisco Ballesta. Mayor of Murcia


Headlines: Jose Maria Garcia Urban. Mayor of Estepona. Vicepte FEMP

Jorge Azcón Navarro. Mayor of Zaragoza. PP spokesperson.

Substitutes: Equal Mayor of Santander Gem.

Emma Buj. Mayor of Teruel


Headlines: Jose Maria Garcia Urban. Mayor of Estepona. Vicept FEMP

Luis Barcala. Mayor of Alicante.

Susana Pérez Quislant. Mayor of Pozuelo de Alarcón

Substitutes: Jose Manuel Baltar. President of the Ourense County Council

Ramón Fernández Pacheco. Mayor of Almeria

Jose Maria Bellido. Mayor of Córdoba.

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