The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, participated in the delivery of CECALE Gold awards, where he warned of the risk that a rise in taxes would imply for the competitiveness of companies.

The Confederation of Business Associations of Castilla y León awards these awards annually, at the proposal of their territorial organizations, to all those entrepreneurs and companies in the region that are an active example of commitment and dedication business in the sector or activity they develop.

In this XXVI edition, which has had the sponsorship of CaixaBank and the collaboration of the global professional services firm BDO, the winners are Ornua, by the Confederación Abulense de Empresarios (CONFAE); Javier Herrán Andrés, by Javier Herrán Construcciones, by the Confederation of Business Associations of Burgos (FAE); Alfredo Martínez Cuervo, of the Resnova Group, by the Leonese Federation of Employers (FELE); and José Manuel Abad García, from Gamertrans Norte, for the Confederation of Palencia Business Organizations (CPOE).

The General Hospital Foundation of the Holy Trinity, by the Confederation of Organizations of Entrepreneurs of Salamanca (CONFAES), is added to the list of winners; Miguel Ángel Antona Herranz, from INNOPORC, by the Segovia Federation of Entrepreneurs (FES); Alberto Soto Orte, of Hormisoria, by the Federation of Sorian Business Organizations (FOES); ACOR, by the Confederación Vallisoletana de Empresarios (CVE); and David Sala Coll, from Freigel Foodsolutions, for the Confederation of Zamorano Business Organizations (CEOE-CEPYME Zamora).

For his part, the president of CECALE, Santiago Aparicio, said that "it is exciting to see that in our society there are people who are able to risk, to put all their effort or involvement in taking a business forward. A task of this magnitude, which contributes to generating 85% of employment, could not run out of its prizes. "

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