The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, held a meeting this Monday with the president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), Antonio Garamendi, in which they both agreed on the importance of the funds Next Generation Europeans are oriented to the demographic challenge “with an objective and transparent distribution”. For this, the head of the regional executive has insisted on the importance of having the participation of society, especially businessmen, in the development of projects with which to compete for this financing.
Along these lines, Fernández Mañueco explained to the president of the employer that the Junta de Castilla y León has set up an Autonomous Office for the Coordination of European Funds, as well as another with the communities of Aragón and Castilla La Macha to join forces through initiatives joint At the meeting, he specified that the regional government already has a document with 71 strategic Recovery and Resilience initiatives.
During the meeting, the councilors of Economy and Finance, and of Employment and Industry, Carlos Fernández Carriedo and Ana Carlota Amigo, respectively, as well as the president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez, and the president of CECALE, were also present. , Santiago Aparicio, the president of Castilla y León has insisted on the opposition of his Government to the increase in taxes for which the Government of Spain is betting in its General State Budgets through sugary drinks and with the end of the moratorium of the registration tax. Fernández Mañueco has defended that any fiscal harmonization must be downwards and has stressed the need for a new model of regional financing for which there must previously be a multilateral negotiation with the communities and that takes into account the demographic challenge.
Regarding the labor reform, the head of the regional executive has made it clear that this is not the time and that, if it occurs, it must be through an agreement of social dialogue and with the approval of the employers, never by imposition.
Budgets 2021
Fernández Mañueco has informed Garamendi of the General Budgets project of the Community for 2021, which reaches a historical figure of 12,291 million euros. He insisted that the Board will fulfill its commitment next year not to raise taxes on families, SMEs and the self-employed, and on the incentives that it will offer to companies through direct aid worth 123 million euros, as well as 32 million. of financial support, 15 for industrial land and another 1,150 million in guarantees. With the objective of boosting the labor market, the budgets will allocate 345 million to employment policies and another 296 to support science and technology.
The president of the Board has assured at the meeting that the economic objectives of 2021 go through minimizing the impact of the economic crisis on GDP and employment, as well as improving the positioning of Castilla y León for when the recovery occurs.
On the other hand, he recalled that since January the regional government has closed three agreements within the framework of Social Dialogue. Of these, two, in March and November, associated with the pandemic, generating liquidity and credit lines for 648 million euros for the self-employed and SMEs, direct aid for 70 million euros for workers, the self-employed and SMEs from different sectors, and with a request to the Government of Spain for a Shock Plan for Hospitality and Tourism in which the state, regional and local administrations participate according to their share of public spending.
Finally, Fernández Mañueco and Garamendi have agreed that the Junta de Castilla y León collaborate with the CEOE and CECALE in terms of information and coordination in actions to fight against the consequences of the pandemic.