This service has been jointly enabled by the Ministry of Health and the General Council of Official Colleges of Psychologists (COP) of Spain.
Of the calls answered, with an average of more than 200 daily, approximately 70% correspond to the general population, 21% to relatives of patients or deceased by coronavirus and 9% to health workers.
The phone has been active from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and has been answered by a team of fifty psychologists and psychologists. The service, coordinated by the Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid María Paz García Vera, has had three different care numbers (15 lines)
The 91 700 79 89 for relatives in mourning processes for sick or deceased people as a consequence of the coronavirus.
The 91 700 79 90 for professionals with direct intervention in the management of the pandemic such as health, State Security Forces and Bodies or Local Police, among others.
91 700 79 88 for the general population with difficulties derived from the state of alert.
Centralized and professionalized service
This device has had the particularity of being centralized and professionalized, which has made it possible to coordinate the actions and interventions of the teams and guarantee their quality, by offering unified intervention protocols, continuous feedback and support to the professionals who have integrated the service.
From the service, a first psychological attention and brief psychological intervention have been carried out -when it has been necessary- and special emphasis has been placed on the coordination and continuous referral to other services and resources of various kinds, such as the National Health System itself, the Schools of autonomous psychology and other professional colleges and public and private organizations.
Its purpose has been to develop a support system and psychological first attention, aimed at managing stress and discomfort situations derived from the different realities that this pandemic is generating.