The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training publishes the State System of Education Indicators (SEIE) for the 2016-2017 academic year. Spain is the fifth country in the European Union in terms of schooling rates at three years, being considered full for that age.

The rates of schooling in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education in the 2016-2017 academic year were more than double that of the 2006-07 academic year. This follows from the 2019 edition of State System of Education Indicators (SEIE), published by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. In Spain, the percentage of the population enrolled in ages prior to compulsory schooling grows as the age increases and can be considered full after three years.

On this occasion, the edition consists of 17 indicators that are distributed as follows: schooling and educational environment (9 indicators), educational financing (2 indicators) and educational results (6 indicators).

The main novelty of this edition is the incorporation of an indicator on teachers based on the International study of teaching and learning TALIS 2018, which gathers the answers that teachers and directors of all participating countries give to questions about the teacher training they have received, their beliefs and teaching practices, the evaluation of their work, the feedback and recognition they receive, school leadership and management , satisfaction and school climate.

Data collected by the SEIE for the 2016-2017 academic year indicate that schooling is practically universal after three years, while between zero and two it has more than doubled in a decade.

Specifically, 96.3% are enrolled at three years, while in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education, 10.9% of children under one year are in school and 58.7% at two. On the other hand, schooling rates at 16 and 17 years old are 96% and 89.8%, respectively. In the ages corresponding to Higher Education, the global net rates decrease as the age increases, but, for example, at 20 years they are above the EU average, 66.4% compared to 57 ,one%.

Regarding public spending on education, between 2015 and 2017, it increased after the fall years and reached 49,458 million euros. The SEIE also reveals the upward trend in household spending on education, which has increased from 2007 to 2017 from 8,753 to 12,356 million, with greater increases in the years from 2011 to 2013.

Less repetition and less early abandonment

The suitability rate is an important measure of the results of the education system, as it shows the students who take the course that corresponds to their age. In the 2016-17 academic year, 93.6% of 8-year-old students are enrolled in the corresponding course. From there, this percentage gradually decreases to 68.6% of 15-year-old students enrolled in ESO quarter or in Basic FP.

However, the percentages of repeating students were reduced in the 2016-2017 academic year in compulsory secondary school, passing, for example, figures around 16% in the first three courses of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) in 2006-2007 to values ​​between 10.1% and 8.3% a decade later.

As for early abandonment, it has been reduced in Spain by 13.8 points since 2008, standing at 17.9% in 2018, closer to the national target of 15% set within the framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy although still far from the EU average of 10.6%. In Spain the early abandonment of education and training remains clearly higher among men (21.7%) than among women (14.0%).

The educational level of mothers is a relevant factor in dropping out since only 3.9% of students whose mothers have higher education leave early compared to 41.5% of those with mothers who have only reached primary education or lower

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