Crimes against freedom and sexual indemnity have one of the highest rates of clarification among all criminal types, an index that has also been increasing over the past. Thus, while the clarification rate stood at 77.9% in 2014, it has increased year by year to the aforementioned 81.1 percent.
Regarding the 2017 data, there is an increase both in the number of complaints for sexual crimes and in their resolution. The increase in complaints must be placed in relation to the active social awareness policies that have led to a greater willingness of the victims to report these crimes and put their cases in the hands of the Security Forces and Corps, thus reducing the levels of infradenuncia existing in these criminal types.
The data also show that 98% of the victims are women while 97% of the aggressors are men. The report also indicates that 87% of those arrested and investigated are Spanish, as are three quarters of the victims.
The report also shows that there is a worrying phenomenon associated with sexual cybercrime; minors are the main objective of this type of crime.
The data are referred to the year 2018, the latest report with consolidated data according to court decisions.