• The rating agency highlights the pro-European orientation of the Government, which, in its opinion, allows us to expect further progress in the process of fiscal consolidation

The Japanese R&I agency has revised upward the credit rating of the Kingdom of Spain, from BBB to A- with a stable outlook.

The agency considers that the improvement in the rating of Spain is justified by the good progress of the Spanish economy. It also indicates that the pro-European orientation of the Government allows us to expect further progress in the process of fiscal consolidation.

In addition, R&I values ​​in its report the downward trajectory of the debt-to-GDP ratio, as well as the resilience of the Spanish economy to the changes that may occur in the economic environment, which makes them anticipate the continuity of economic growth.

Finally, the Japanese agency does not consider the upward revision of the deficit reduction path relevant, as long as it continues to be a descendant.

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