• Collaboration agreements allow promoting cybersecurity entrepreneurship in Castilla y León and supporting the business sector, through various initiatives

The Secretary of State for Digital Advancement, Francisco Polo, as president of the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), an agency under the Ministry of Economy and Business through said Secretary of State, has promoted three collaboration agreements in the area of Cybersecurity with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Junta de Castilla y León, through the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE). These agreements will promote cybersecurity entrepreneurship and support the business sector in Castilla y León through various initiatives.

The first agreement constitutes the first innovative public procurement initiative (CPI) carried out in the field of cybersecurity in our country. Under this agreement, INCIBE and ICE will collaborate in the development of CPI actions for Castilla y León, responding to the interests of both parties: by INCIBE, to respond to existing technological challenges in the field of cybersecurity and, on the part of the ICE, the development of the regional fabric, the creation and / or scaling of technological companies in the field of cybersecurity, the promotion of R&D and the use of CPI processes to create new products or services.

The second signature corresponds to an addendum that extends the collaboration agreement between INCIBE, ICE and the Leonés Institute for Development, Training and Employment (ILDEFE) for the promotion of entrepreneurship in cybersecurity by supporting the attraction of talent ( incubator of ideas) and the acceleration of entrepreneurial projects in cybersecurity. In this way, from January 2019 until May 2020, two new calls for programs will be made: the third call for the incubation program of ideas, Ciberemprende, and the second for the acceleration of entrepreneurial projects, Cybersecurity Ventures.

The last heading between INCIBE, ICE and the Innovative Business Group on Cybersecurity and Advanced Technologies (AEI Cybersecurity) has the objective of promoting the transfer of technology in the field of cybersecurity to strategic sectors of Castilla y León, through the creation of a Digital Innovation Hub. In this way, the implementation of services that facilitate the adoption by companies of the different productive sectors in their implementation of Industry 4.0 strategies, related to the specific areas of Cybersecurity and Advanced Technologies, will be promoted, both in a Regional scope , National and International, within the regional specialization strategy of Castilla y León in cybersecurity.

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