The Secretary of State for Security signs a protocol to favor access to justice for people with disabilities through police services

The Secretary of State for Security, Ana Botella, on Tuesday signed a general protocol for action with the organization Plena Inclusión España in matters of assistance to people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The objective of the protocol is to establish the basis for collaboration and the promotion of joint activities that favor and contribute to access to justice through the police services of persons with disabilities on equal terms.

On the part of Plena Inclusión Spain, the protocol has been signed by its director, Enrique Galván. In the act of the signature, which has taken place at the headquarters of the Ministry of Interior, the General Director of the Police, Francisco Pardo, and the General Director of the Civil Guard, Félix Azón, have also participated, since the text of the protocol It has been agreed with both bodies.

This is the first agreement signed by the Secretary of State for Security with Plena Inclusión España, a network of organizations that ensures the fulfillment of the rights of people with intellectual disabilities and that integrates almost 1,000 associations throughout Spain.

Based on the text signed on Tuesday, the Ministry of Interior undertakes to organize training actions for the members of the State Security Forces and Bodies and to collaborate in the training actions of Plena Inclusión España. Full Inclusion Spain, for its part, undertakes to participate in the training actions of both police forces, as well as to make easy reading versions of those materials that are considered of interest to that group.

The protocol also provides for the establishment of a commission to monitor the protocol, which will be formed by representatives of the Secretary of State for Security, the General Directorate of the Police, the General Directorate of the Civil Guard and Plena Inclusión España.

Full Inclusion has been collaborating since 1995 with Penitentiary Institutions in promoting the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities who are deprived of liberty. The organization is also part of the Penitentiary Social Council since 2009.


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