Of these funds, 104.1 million euros are allocated to finance the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programs, and 163.9 million for the wine sector.
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Acting, Luis Planas, has chaired the Sectoral Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development in which the distribution of 326,534,934 euros has been agreed between the autonomous communities for the execution of agricultural, livestock, food programs and of rural development.
Rural development
Within the framework of the territorial distribution of funds of the General State Administration for the financing of the Rural Development Programs 2014-2020, the distribution of 104,120,005 euros has been agreed. This amount, which will be transferred to the Paying Agencies of the Autonomous Communities (CCAA), corresponds to national funds to co-finance the contribution of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
Among the criteria for territorial distribution has been proposed the provision of the General State Administration for the entire programming period, deducted, where appropriate, the contribution made in 2015, divided into eighths corresponding to the years 2016 to 2023. this form, the amount distributed corresponds to one eighth of the participation of the General State Administration for the period.
Health of agricultural production
In this area, a total of 6,000,000 euros have been allocated to the Autonomous Communities for the fight against plant pests and diseases.
The fight against the Xylella fastidiosa, the nematode of the pine or the apple snail, is also contemplated, also financing surveillance programs. For its distribution, laboratories collaborating with national phytosanitary prospecting programs, pest surveillance plans and measures to control and eradicate harmful organisms have been taken into account, among other criteria.
Once the remnants of the previous year declared by the Autonomous Communities have been taken into account, the amount to be distributed is 5,686,665 euros.
Also, 7,912,757 euros have been allocated for the state programs for the eradication of animal diseases. Support for compensation for compulsory slaughter of animals positive for bovine tuberculosis, bovine brucellosis, ovine and caprine brucellosis, salmonellosis, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and enzootic bovine leukosis, as well as transmissible spongiform encephalopathy surveillance programs and support for the sanitary drains by obligatory sacrifice.
Once taken into account the remnants of the previous year declared by the autonomous communities, the amount to be distributed is 7,765,748 euros.

Wine sector
To support the Spanish wine sector, the Sectorial Conference has agreed the distribution of 72,532,000 euros for the measure of restructuring and reconversion of vineyards in the year 2020, in accordance with the criteria agreed in the Sector Conference of July 2012.
In this sector it was determined that in the distribution 65% of the funds would be allocated according to the area of each autonomous community; 14% depending on the inverse of the value of production by autonomous community; another 14% based on the wine declared with Geographical Indication in a CCAA with respect to its wine production, 2% for Galicia, the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands to take into account the extra cost that these regions mean and the remaining 5% for the then convergence regions.
The Sectoral Conference has also issued a favorable report on the final list of requests for aid in the second call for investments in the Support Program for the Spanish Wine Sector 2019-2023 and which involves the approval of 179 operations corresponding to 5.03 % of the investment, with aid of 29,848,188 euros and 11,652,537 euros corresponding to the 2019 and 2020 financial years Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund (FEGA).
49,985,515 euros have also been distributed for wine promotion programs in third-country markets. Some programs that seek to promote knowledge of the characteristics and qualities of Spanish wines, in order to contribute to the improvement of their competitive position and consolidation or, where appropriate, the opening of new markets.
In agriculture, 1,496,301 euros have been distributed for the line of action for the quality of plant varieties and the certification of reproduction materials.
For this distribution, two sub-lines contemplated in this line of action have been taken into consideration. On the one hand, the agronomic evaluation and the technological quality, which in turn is divided into two sections, such as "Agronomic value" and "Recommendation", and the Analysis of the quality and certification of seeds and nursery plants, with three sub-sections (seed control, health and identification), aimed at controlling the market of propagating plant material.
The allocation of 15 million euros to the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands has also been agreed to support agricultural production within the framework of the Specific Options Program due to remoteness and insularity.
In livestock matters and for the management and promotion of livestock improvement and biodiversity conservation and, in particular, for the autochthonous races has been agreed the allocation between the Autonomous Communities of 1,253,654 euros.
The distribution criteria have been based on the number of associations of breeders of autochthonous races recognized by the autonomous communities for the management of genealogical books.
For the management and promotion of livestock improvement, and specifically for the official control of milk yield, 1,162,518 euros have been distributed among the autonomous communities.
A distribution based on the number of completed and valid lactations certified by the Autonomous Communities.
On the other hand, 2.582.156 euros have been distributed for the promotion of beekeeping. A distribution in which the number of beehives registered on the basis of the Register of Livestock Farms (REGA) have been taken into account; the existence of an official surveillance program for aggressions and diseases of hives and, particularly, of varroosis and remnants in the power of the autonomous communities derived from the 2018 exercise.
Finally, it has been approved within the framework of the Sectoral Conference the reallocation of the Community funds corresponding to the school program of consumption of fruits and vegetables of the 2018/2019 academic year, which supposes a total of 18,293,609 euros and of the School Consumer Program of milk for that period for a value of 5,986,068 euros.
This supposes an increase in relation to the allocation agreed in the Sector Conference of July 2018 of 648,469 euros for both programs. The proposal for the distribution of the Community funds corresponding to the School Program for the consumption of fruits, vegetables for the next academic year 2019/2020 for a total of 16,498,394 euros and for milk for 6,302,784 euros has also been agreed.
The Fisheries Sector Conference, also held today at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has agreed on the distribution of more than 12 million euros for the financing of aid for the temporary cessation of fishing activity, which added to the amount approved by the Sectoral Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development, amounts to a total of 338,596,601 euros.