• The Fund has 9,951 homes that can be accessed by people who have lost their habitual residence and have a reduced rent between 150 and 400 euros per month
  • The objective of the Social Housing Fund is to protect and offer coverage to people who are in a situation of special social vulnerability

The Social Housing Fund (FSV), intended to facilitate access to housing for vulnerable families, has been extended until January 2021. This fund was launched in January 2013 with 6,000 homes contributed by financial institutions.

The extension has been agreed by the signatory ministries of the Agreement, the Spanish Banking Association, the Mortgage Association of Spain, the Bank of Spain, the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks, the Third Sector Platform and the National Union of Credit Cooperatives .

Currently, the Fund has 9,951 homes, owned by credit institutions, intended for individuals and families who have lost their habitual residence, through a lease at reduced prices, between 150 and 400 euros per month.

The Social Housing Fund was created with the objective of offering coverage to those people evicted from their home for the non-payment of a mortgage loan or as a result of a payment in payment, and who are in a situation of special social vulnerability.

The Fund can be accessed by individuals who have lost their habitual residence after December 31, 2007 and who, at the time of the application, family income does not exceed the limit of three times the Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income, nor does it provide of another home owned or in usufruct.

Likewise, applicants must find themselves in one of the following cases of special vulnerability:

  1. Family unit with minor children
  2. Single parent family unit with two or more dependent children
  3. Family unit in which any of its members has declared disability greater than 33%, dependency situation or disease that incapacitates
  4. Family unit in which the mortgage debtor who has lost his home is unemployed and has exhausted his benefits
  5. Family unit in which there is a victim of gender violence
  6. People in situations of dependency or with disabilities for whom housing is an indispensable asset for their social inclusion
  7. People over sixty
  8. People in a situation of pre-retirement or retirement who, through guarantee, have assumed the debts of their children or grandchildren
  9. Other persons or family units with circumstances of social vulnerability other than those mentioned

Source of the new