The average Social Security affiliation exceeded 19.5 million employed persons in June (19,517,697); it is the best data of the historical series since records are kept.
In this month, the system added 75,584 workers and workers (0.39%); and 510,707 in the last 12 months (2.69%). Until this month, the highest affiliation data corresponded to the month of July 2007 with 19,493,050, that is, 24,647 less affiliated people than in June of this year.
In seasonally adjusted terms, the average affiliation of June 2019 has increased compared to May 2019 in 32,732 workers, which represents an increase of 0.17%.
Another significant figure is the number of women affiliated with Social Security, which exceeds the result of May, with 9,050,836 people, the highest figure in the records. They represent 46.37% of the total employed. In this sense, it should be noted that the balance of the last twelve months shows that the employment of women continues to grow more than men, both in absolute figures and in rates. In the last year the number of employed persons has increased by 239,000, 2.34%; In the same period, the number of employed persons has increased from 271.707, 3.09%
Balance compared to the previous month
The General Regime recorded an increase of 65,014 people (0.40%), which increases the figure to 16,162,452 employed.
It is the highest data of the whole historical series, since the integration of the Agrarian and Home Regimes took place. If the pure General Regime is considered -without the Special Systems integrated in 2012- it is the best record (16,162,452), followed by the data that was recorded last May (16,097,438). In June, membership grew in most economic sectors, especially in Hospitality, with 37,225 (2.63%); Health Activities and Social Services, 31,799 (2.06%); Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles with 28,217 (1.16%), Administrative Activities and Auxiliary Services, 21,395 (1.62%); Manufacturing Industry, 10,551 (0.57%) and Construction, 7,809 (0.88%).
On the other hand, the greatest weight corresponds to Education which, coinciding with the end of the school year, registered a decrease of 53,423 (-5.46%).
As for the Special Agrarian System, it registers 30,927 less employed persons (-3.83%), and it stands at 777,328 affiliated and average affiliates. This is a decline similar to that registered in recent years as the month of June coincides with the completion of some agricultural campaigns.
On the other hand, the Special System for Domestic Workers fell by 1,163 (-0.29%) and reached 405,701 workers. The Autonomous Regime has 3,286,600 people, after increasing by 8,745 (0.27%) in the month.
With regard to the Special Regime of the Sea, it has 1,985 employed and employed persons (3.04%), standing at 67,269. Finally, the Carbon is made up of 1,377 affiliates and affiliates, which drops by 160 people.
The number of Social Security increases in June in most of the Autonomous Communities, especially in Catalonia (28,596), Baleares (23,127), Castilla-La Mancha (10,731), Comunidad de Madrid (9,838), Castilla y León (7,706) ), Aragón (6.851) and Galicia (6.787). It comes down in two autonomous communities: Andalucía (33,321) and Región de Murcia (2,081).
Regarding 2018
In relation to last year, the System has earned 510,707 employed and employed, 2.69%. The General Regime is increased by 498,352 people (3.18%).
In the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers, it should be noted that the rate increased by 0.40%, which translates into a growth of 13,042 people. The Sea Regime grew by 0.28% (188) and the Coal registered decrease of 874 (-38.84%).
In annual terms the occupation advances in the majority of provinces and in all the Autonomous Communities and Cities, highlighting percentage increases in the Community of Madrid (3.55%), Comunidad Valenciana (3.38%), Región de Murcia (3, 22%), and the autonomous cities of Ceuta (5.38%) and Melilla (8.16%).