The president of the Spanish Association of Banking, José María Roldán, and the director of the Junior Achievement Foundation, Blanca Narváez, have handed out the prizes to the volunteers of the 19 banks that have participated in the five editions of the financial education program 'Tus finanzas, tu futuro', whose contents have received more than 35,700 students from schools throughout Spain.
"Volunteers, bank employees, play a fundamental role in bringing financial education to the classroom. It is increasingly important to instill healthy financial habits and responsible consumer behavior in young people, who will be the adults of the future, "said José María Roldán.
Since its launch five years ago, more than 2,600 bank employees have participated in the financial education program 'Your finances, your future', an initiative of the Spanish Association of Banking and its Foundation, developed together with the Junior Foundation Achievement, aimed at students between 13 and 15 years old.
The general director of the Junior Achievement Foundation, Blanca Narváez, underlined that "through financial education, young people acquire not only knowledge, but also key skills and competences to face the financial challenges they will encounter throughout their lives, improving their opportunities personal and professional. "
Professor Ildefonso Méndez, from the University of Murcia, stressed that the evaluation confirms that the program improves students' personal skills and resources, such as the postponement of rewards and perseverance, but also their academic performance and their expectations to continue studying, especially among students from less favored homes.