The prize is awarded by the members of the Task Force of Inventories and Projections of the Geneva Convention of long-distance transboundary air pollution, among the 50 countries that are part of the Convention.
The Inventory This year's prize-winner collects data on emissions of air pollutants from 1990 to 2017. Currently, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition (MITECO) is finalizing the progress of the data corresponding to 2018.
The award assesses the completeness, transparency and design of the Annual Report on the inventory of atmospheric pollutant emissions. It is the second time that Spain has received this award in the last three years. In 2017 it received the same award shared with Austria and, in 2013, it received the distinction to the most complete report.
In this edition, the award recognizes the improvements made by the Spanish System of Inventory of emissions in terms of infographics, cartography and transparency. In addition, Spain has been one of the three countries this year, together with the Netherlands and Sweden, which has satisfactorily completed all the information requirements of the Geneva Convention in 2019.
This award confirms the trajectory of the Spanish Emissions Inventory System of MITECO, not only in the fulfillment of its information obligations regarding national emissions to the atmosphere, but also in its vocation to improve the transparency of the data and the usefulness and analysis of information related to emissions of pollutants and gases into the atmosphere.