After the resounding success of the participation of more than 400 cars -according to official figures- in the Caravan for Spain and its Freedom, the VOX political group wants to thank first of all those from A Coruña who – without fear of the threats that warned the Possible presence of radical leftist groups related to the government – they flooded the streets of the city center with joy and in a civic way. Likewise, it extends its thanks to the national police and the local police for contributing to the organization of the event and guaranteeing the safety of the participants.

The tour of the caravan began at 12 noon, as planned; However, the denial -by the City of La Coruña- to the request for reservation of public space (esplanade of Riazor) caused a lane to be cut along Manuel Murguía and on the Paseo de Ronda due to the large influx of vehicles in the vicinity of the stadium.

Likewise, the Government Delegation imposed a different route from the one requested, which –initially- would take the caravan to its destination through the promenade. The modification included touring the city through Modesta Goicouría street, continuing through Plaza de Pontevedra, Calle Juana de Vega, Plaza de Mina, Calle Sánchez Bregua and finally up to Plaza de Orense. This change led to the collapse of city traffic.

All this is but a new example of the mismanagement and lack of foresight that has characterized the social-communist government of the different State institutions in order to restrict the freedoms and fundamental rights of the Spanish.

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